Tsukasa's Collection (Nasa x Tsukasa)

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Nasa finished putting the last plate in the dishwasher, then turned it on. At just that time, his wife had returned. "Hi, Tsukasa", greeted the young man. Tsukasa quickly hid her arms behind her back and stood tensely. "H-hi." Nasa noticed his lover's strange reaction to his greeting. He tilted his body to the side to look at her arms behind her back. "What do you have there?"

"N-nothing!", said Tsukasa, not convincing her husband. He moved closer, and with every movement, Tsukasa kept turning herself to hide her back from him. "Tsukasa", said Nasa sternly. The woman stayed silent, then dashed practically at the speed of light out of the room. Her husband watched her vanish, and shrugged. "She can tell me in her own time", he said.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa had entered the spare room of the house, where she took out the thing she was hiding from her back and placed it down. "Welcome to your new home", she said. She then made her way to the door, scanned the halls to make sure her husband was around, then walked out the room. The redheaded woman made her way downstairs, where she saw her husband.

"What do you want for dinner?", asked Nasa. "Anything is fine", said Tsukasa. Her lover nodded and opened up the cupboard, where he took out two cups of instant ramen. He showed it to his wife, waiting for her approval, which she gave with a simple nod. After about two minutes, the married couple sat across from each other and enjoyed their meal.

"So... about the spare room", began Nasa. "Yeah?" "What if we make that a nursery?" Tsukasa put a finger to her chin and thought about her husband's suggestion. They both have been trying for a baby the last couple of days, as they believed that they were ready to be parents.

"That's not a bad plan", said the redheaded woman. "Thanks. But I need to map out the room. Decide where everything needs to go." Tsukasa's eyes widened upon hearing Nasa's words. "I should probably go do that." "W-wait!", exclaimed Tsukasa, but then tripped.

Nasa turned to his wife and went to go help her up. "Are you okay?" "Y-yeah. I'm fine", said Tsukasa, rubbing her chin. "You must really not want me in that room. Are you hiding something?" Tsukasa looked away blushing. Nasa sighed and kissed her on the cheek.

"You can tell me what's going on when you're ready. I won't pressure you." Tsukasa smiled. She couldn't help but think at that moment about what a pure soul her husband was.

"Okay. Thanks." Nasa chuckled. "No problem."

. . .

Tsukasa sat on the futon anxiously.

She had been thinking about it, about what Nasa had said to her, and considered that maybe he had a point. After all, it wouldn't hurt to tell him, now would it?

The door opened, and Nasa walked in, dressed in his sleepwear. Before he could step foot in the room, however, Tsukasa walked past him, taking his hand. "Tsukasa?" "Just... come with me." Nasa nodded, and followed his lover. They walked towards the spare room, where Tsukasa rested her hand against the door. She looked down bashfully, then looked at her husband. "Promise me you won't laugh. Okay?" Nasa was confused by his wife's request, but replied with a nod. Tsukasa took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Once it was fully open and the spare room it lead to was in full view, Nasa's eyes widened from shock. On the bed of the room, were stuffed toys. Lots and lots of stuffed toys. Enough to fill up an entire chest. Nasa turned to his wife, his expression not changing once. "This is what you've been hiding?" Tsukasa scratched her cheek with her index finger. "I've... gotten into the habit of collecting them. I couldn't help it. Sorry." Nasa chuckled, and embraced his redheaded wife.

"You're just too cute, you know that?" The two lovers looked into each other's eyes, and shared a peck on the lips. "You know, I was thinking...", began Tsukasa, while Nasa listened to her. "Maybe when we finally have our kid, they could play with these toys. I mean, I have basically decorated their nursery, haven't I?" "That you did", said Nasa. "Wow. I just realized we talk about this kid of ours a lot." Tsukasa gave her lover a seductive smile, then rubbed her hand against his chest. "Do you want to finally make it a reality then?"

Nasa's face went red. Out of instinct, he suddenly smashed his lips into Tsukasa's, kissing her deeply. The couple made their way back to their bedroom, where Tsukasa kicked the door closed. After that, the only thing that could be heard after that were grunts and moans.

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