A Day at the Aquarium (Chisataki)

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Chisato rested her head on the counter, groaning loud enough for everyone around her to hear. "Something wrong?", asked Kurumi. "I wanna take Takina out on a date!" "Then do it", said Kurumi. "That's all you've been doing with her. Also hugging. And handholding. And kissing."

"Hang on, Kurumi", said Mizuki. "I think the date itself is the problem. Am I right, Chisato?" Chisato nodded. "I don't know where to take her." "Why not dinner?" "We already did that yesterday! And the day before that too! I want to try something different today!" "Movies?", asked Mizuki. "We did that the day before the day before yesterday. Besides, there aren't any other movies that interest me."

Mizuki shrugged. "That's all I got." Mika chuckled and took the remote. "You'll figure something out, Chisato." The blonde girl groaned in response, and looked at the TV as Mika switched it on.

On the TV, a documentary was playing. One about sea life. Chisato couldn't help but think of how pretty the fishes looked. Then it hit her. She shot up and ran to her room. "I've got an idea!" Mika chuckled. "Wow. She figured that out sooner than expected", said Mizuki. "Told you", said Mika.

. . .

Takina walked until she stopped by where she was told to go by Chisato via text message. The dark haired girl looked around the area, seeing no sign of her girlfriend, until a pair of hands covered her eyes. "Guess who?", asked the cheery voice.

Takina smiled as she removed the two hands from her eyes and brought them to her stomach, where they connected and brought the human they were connected to closer. "Hi", said Chisato, who rested her head on Takina's shoulder. "Hey", the latter responded, then placed a kiss on her girlfriend's head. They both looked at the building they were planning to enter.

"So... an aquarium." "Thought we'd try something new", said Chisato, moving to the front of her girlfriend and taking her hand. "I know you like going to the beach and seeing the sea, but now you get to see what's under the sea." "You mean things I've already seen?", asked Takina. "On TV, yes. But not in real life", said Chisato. Takina lightly chuckled.

"Okay. Let's go see the oh so mesmerizing wonders of the sea you're hyping up so much." Chisato giggled and dragged her lover along into the aquarium. Their first stop was a room that was dark, like most of the aquarium that had the fish. Along the walls were glass tanks with small sea creatures, like crabs and jellyfish, the latter of which Takina was taking an interest in.

"They look smaller than I anticipated", she said. "But they are so cute!", squealed Chisato. "Cute, but deadly. They're still jellyfish after all", explained Takina. "I know", her girlfriend said with a little disappointment. She smiled and took her hand, then they walked together to the next tank that had crabs inside of them. Chisato shuddered at the sight of them.

"They're so gross up close", she said. "Then stop staring at them", said Takina. The blonde girl backed away from the tank, and continued walking into the aquarium with her girlfriend.

They came across a bigger tank that was cylinder shaped containing clown fishes. There was a small opening for people to crawl through into a similar but smaller glass cylinder that was at the center of the tank. "Can you take my picture?", Chisato asked her girlfriend. The dark haired girl nodded and took out her phone while her blonde lover crawled into the tank. Once she was inside, she pretended to be swimming underwater among the school of clownfish.

Takina snapped a photo, chuckling at Chisato's antics. The said girl crawled out and grabbed Takina's arm. "You should try it!" "Okay, okay", Takina said as she crawled into the tank as well. Chisato then took out her phone to take a picture herself, while Takina tried making her best silly expression. Chisato found it cute nonetheless.

They continued forth until they arrived at the aquarium's signature location: the underwater hallway.

"I've always wondered how the shark doesn't eat the other fish", said Takina. "I've always wondered that too", said Chisato. She then excitedly dashed closer to the glass when she saw a stingray. Takina joined her, and saw two fishes bumping their mouths against each other. "It looks like their kissing", said Chisato.

"Is it really kissing if their just bumping against each other?", asked Takina. "Hmmm", Chisato said. "I wonder...." The two girls locked eyes, then leaned in. Takina was then surprised by Chisato just bumping her lips against hers, then laughing. "Really?", asked Takina. Her girlfriend kept laughing, while the dark haired girl grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the glass, where she kissed her property. Chisato couldn't help but melt into it. It's a good thing they were alone, otherwise they'd be getting complaints from the other guests.

After a five second kiss, Takina looked behind Chisato and giggled. The blonde girl turned around and saw that a stingray was staring at the two of them, making her burst out laughing along with her girlfriend.

. . .

Chisato and Takina sat across each other at a table, eating from cups of ice cream with merchandise that they had bought from the aquarium's gift shop.

"Did you have fun?", asked Chisato. Takina nodded. The blonde girl pumped her fist. "Yes! Another successful date down for the count!" Takina took her hand. "You don't need to push yourself to make a great date, Chisato. Being with you is good enough." Chisato blushed at her lover's words. "Thanks. I love you." "I love you too." The two girls leaned in and shared a loving kiss, tasting each other's ice cream on their lips. After separating, they licked their lips, specifically for the ice cream. They then looked at each other's treats.

"Wanna try each other's...." "Yes", finished Chisato. The two girls took a scoop from their ice creams and exchanged it between each other.

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