Sleeping in the Same Bed (Naegiri)

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Kyoko sat across from Makoto, watching him trying finish up the last of his food. He swallowed the said food, and slouched back into his seat tiredly. "You finished?", Kyoko asked jokingly. Makoto nodded. He saw their waiter nearby and signaled him for the check. "You okay?", asked Kyoko. Her boyfriend nodded. Their check arrived, and after paying for their meal, they were on their way.

"You didn't need to finish all of that food", Kyoko explained as she and Makoto walked out the door. "I know, but it felt rude to just leave all that perfectly good food", answered Makoto. His girlfriend giggled. "You're always so selfless, Makoto." "I know", replied the young man guiltily. The woman beside him rubbed his arm and smiled. "You misunderstand. That's what I like about you."

Makoto blushed at his lover's words. "Plus, you could've asked for takeout", said Kyoko. Makoto mentally smacked himself on the forehead. Then something else hit him there. A water droplet. Then another one. And another. Kyoko was experiencing this as well. More raindrops fell down to the earth, until it was full on raining. The two lovers quickly ran down the road to find get out of the downpour.

Luckily Makoto's apartment building wasn't far, so they didn't have to suffer from the wet weather too much. "You okay?", asked Makoto while opening the door. "I've handled worse. I'm a detective, remember?", replied Kyoko. Her boyfriend chuckled at her little remark. They both entered the elevator and went up to Makoto's floor.

They then proceeded to walk to the young man's apartment after exiting the elevator. "After you", said Makoto, holding the door open for Kyoko. She smiled at him and walked in. "Thank you." Makoto followed her in. "Doesn't look like the rain will be stopping any time soon", said Kyoko. Her boyfriend looked at the clock up in his wall. It was late in the night, and if the rain really wasn't going to stop soon, then there was only one thing the man could offer his lavender haired lover. "If you want, you could stay here for the night."

Kyoko looked at her lover surprised. "Are you sure?" "Yeah. I mean, didn't I sleep over at your house that one time?", answered Makoto. "Only because you were finishing up your paperwork and fell asleep. You look really cute while you're sleeping, by the way", said Kyoko, making her boyfriend look to the ground bashfully. "Is it okay if I use your shower?", she asked. "S-sure", replied Makoto. "I'll go get the bed ready for you." Kyoko made her way to the bathroom, where she began to undress for her shower.

Makoto could hear the water running from the bedroom. He blushed at the sound. "Kyoko is in my apartment. In my bathroom. And she's naked. She's.... No! Don't think like that Makoto! You're not a pervert!" The brunette man quickly continued getting the bed ready for his girlfriend. He made his way to the closet and took out some clothes for Kyoko to sleep in. However, she was still in the shower, so he sat down on the bed and waited for her to finish, all while trying to get rid of any intrusive thoughts about her.

Finally, the water stopped running, a clear sign that Kyoko had finished her shower. Makoto made his way to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Yes?", Kyoko called out. "I have some clothes here for you. I'll just leave them here on the floor." Makoto put the clothes down and moved away, his body tensing at the sound of the bathroom door opening. Kyoko reached her hand out and grabbed the clothes and closed the door immediately after that.

Makoto retreated to the bedroom, where he dressed himself in his own pajamas. Once he was done, he turned to see his girlfriend standing before him. She wore black shorts, with a dark purple tank top to go with it. Her hair fitted well with the outfit as well, seeing as she let it down during and after her shower earlier.

"Why do you have these clothes, anyway?", asked the young woman. "They're hand-me-downs from my sister", explained Makoto. "She said I could give it to you. I kinda forgot about them until now." "Well, next time you see her, tell her I say thank you." Makoto chuckled. "I'll do that." He stepped aside to show his girlfriend the bed.

"You can sleep here tonight. I'll go sleep on the couch." The young man was about to walk out of the room, until his lavender haired lover by the back collar of his hoodie. "I don't think so." "K-Kyoko?" The said woman gave Makoto a stern look. "I'm not going to give you an uncomfortable night's sleep just so I can have a comfortable one."

"But Kyoko, it's bad manners", said Makoto. Kyoko giggled and cupped his face. "And it's good that you know that. But there is another option for us." "What is it?" Kyoko walked to the bed and sat down on it. "Simple. We share the bed." Hearing her words was enough to make Makoto's face become absolutely crimson, even making steam escape his ears. "S-share a bed? As in sleeping? In the same bed?" "Something wrong with that?", asked Kyoko. "N-no! It's just... we've only been dating for...." "Two and a half months." "R-right! So wouldn't sleeping in the same bed be..." "A problem? Not at all. Besides, there isn't any harm in doing it." Makoto was about to object, but stopped himself. He knew there was no changing Kyoko's mind once she's made her decision. "Okay", sighed the young man and walked to his side of the bed.

Once they were both under the blanket, Kyoko wasted no time in wrapping her arms around her boyfriend, snuggling close to his back and making him flustered. Her hands were on his chest, where he could smell the shampoo. "You smell nice, Kyoko." "Thank you", she said. She leaned her head close to Makoto's face and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Night, Makoto."

"Night, Kyoko", said Makoto. With that, the young woman closed her eyes and drifted to sleep, while Makoto turned his body to face her. "I think I can get used to this", he thought, then closed his eyes as well, joining his lover in the land of sleep.

. . .

It was a new day. The sun was rising, while the rain of the previous day had come to an end. Meanwhile, inside Makoto's apartment, the said man was beginning to wake up. Before he could get up, he realized the position he was in, and looked down at his girlfriend snuggling into him.

He was about to greet her with a 'good morning', until he saw her sleeping state and admiring the sculpted beauty that was her face. "A few more minutes couldn't hurt", thought Makoto. "Besides, it's Saturday. I can do this all day."

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