Releasing Some Tension (Twiyor)

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Warning! This is a lemon chapter!
Requested by @AlyaNadhirah1

All was normal in the Forger household as the happy family of three sat together on the sofa in front of the television watching a movie together. Yor snuggled happily against her husband's shoulder, while their daughter sat in between them and Bond rested on the floor. The movie was a pretty standard romantic film, so there really wasn't a problem that occurred while watching it. That is, until one scene popped up.

"That's how you usually kiss, Mama and Papa", said Anya, pointing at the onscreen couple making out. Loid squinted at the TV, seeing where the scene was escalating to. He quickly covered his daughter's eyes, while Yor did the same to her ears. "What's happening?", asked a very confused Anya. "Grown up stuff, Anya!", exclaimed Loid as he watched the sex scene currently playing on the TV. Meanwhile, Yor stared at it intently.

It was about an hour before the scene finally came to an end, much to the relief of Anya's parents. The little stared at them in confusion. "Why did you do that?" "Like I said. Grown up stuff." "But you and Mama kiss like that all the time!" "Anya, what they did was more than just kissing", explained Yor. "Don't ask what it is. You'll know when you're older." "How old?", asked Anya. "About... thirteen", said Loid. "But that's seven years from now!"

"Seven, sweetie", said Yor. Anya counted on her fingers to see that her mother was indeed right. "Oh. But still! That's way too long! I wanna know now!" "You only understand grown up stuff when you're actually a grown up, Anya", said Loid. The little girl pouted. "Fine."

. . .

Later that night, the Forgers were getting themselves ready for bed. As Yor dressed herself, her mind went back to what she saw on TV. The way the couple ravished each other with lustful desire was quite a sight. For some reason, Yor couldn't help but picture herself in that situation. With Loid no less. She had heard her coworkers all speak of getting intimate with their partners, but payed no mind.

At least, she tried to pay no mind. She always reminded herself that she will wait for the right time. If Loid was ready. Yet it has been two years since she has been with Loid, at first it being a fake relationship, before becoming official. And watching that film with her family made her think about the intimate moment she could be having with her husband right now.

Loid was currently helping Anya go to sleep, so it was just Yor in the room, giving her an opportunity to do the following action. She thought about that scene in the film, imagining herself and Loid in their position. Both of them stark naked and pleasuring each other. Yor's hand slithered down her body in between her legs, using her fingers to rub circles on her clitoris.

"L-Loid", she whimpered softly. She let out a light gasp and grabbed her breast. She bit her bottom lip to try and keep herself as quiet as she possibly could. She may be lost in lust, but she still had enough awareness left to not be loud. Well, not enough awareness to realize her husband had walked into the room and caught sight of her masturbating.

He could even hear his name escaping her mouth in the form of soft moans. Seeing her in this state made Loid's blood flow down to his waist, making his manhood start to become erect. He felt embarrassed at this situation. He then looked at his wife and gently touched her shoulder. "Yor?" The woman opened here eyes, seeing the love of her life standing before her. The same man she has just fantasizing about, and the same man who just caught her pleasuring herself. Her face became as red as her eyes as she hid it in her pillow.

Loid chuckled and rubbed her back. "Did you enjoy yourself?", he asked in a teasing tone. Yor just groaned in embarrassment in her cushion. Loid smiled softly at her. "There's nothing to be ashamed of Yor. You're just frustrated. It's completely normal to feel this way. Truthfully, I've wanted to do it with you. I just... didn't want to put you on the spot like that. I didn't want to pressure you when you weren't ready." Yor looked out from her pillow, seeing the sincerity in her husband's eyes. After that, she couldn't hold back anymore.

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