Tiny Denki (Kamijirou)

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Requested by @GABRIELEFR6

Kyouka arrived at her house, but noticed something strange about the vibe of the home upon setting foot into it. Whenever the young woman would come home, there was always an aura of happiness in the house, irradiating off of a certain yellow haired man. Kyouka looked around, and there wasn't a single trace of her husband anywhere. In all her time with living with that idiot, she knew that he'd normally always be home way before her. "Maybe he got caught in rush hour", she said. With that thought, she started to calm down.

But then her concern returned upon seeing two familiar people running outside of her window. But the real reason her worry returned was the panicked look on the two people's faces. Kyouka walked toward the door, already hearing frantic knocks on it. She opened it up, seeing Kirishima and Sero panting before her. "What is it?", the young woman asked, actually being a little too scared to know the answer. "Let's just cut to the chase", said Sero. "Fought a villain. Ended nasty." Kyouka could feel her blood run cold.

"You mean... Denki is..." "Not dead. Don't worry", said Kirishima. Kyouka let out a breath of relief. "He's right here, actually", said the redhead, moving his arms out from behind him, revealing something in his hand.

"Hi, Honey", said Denki, who was now small enough to fit in someone's palm.

Kyouka stared in disbelief for a few short seconds, before bursting into laughter. Denki crossed his arms and pouted.

"Thanks guys. I'll take it from here", said Kyouka, taking her husband. She greeted Sero and Kirishima and took the miniature Denki into the house. "Let me guess: you got cocky and made fun of the villain", asked the young woman. "Have you seen his quirk?", asked Denki. "I'm looking at it right now", answered his wife with a smug grin. He grumbled. "I'm sure they'll find a way to make you big again."

Kyouka leaned in. "In the meantime, I'm gonna have a little fun with this." Denki couldn't help but feel a little scared at his wife's words. "Such a shame I don't have any dolls. I could've had a lot of fun dressing you up", she said. "Shame? More like a blessing", Denki thought while resting his hand on his chest from relief. His reaction didn't go unnoticed by Kyouka, though.

"Don't think you're in the clear just yet, babe." The tiny man became very afraid upon seeing his wife's mischievous grin. "There are still other ways I can fun with this."

. . .

Kyouka tried to hold back her laughter. Her phone was in her hand, recording Denki straddling a rubber duck in the bathtub. The said man just sat their with his arms crossed, wearing nothing but his underpants.

"Having fun?", he asked. "Lots", said Kyouka with tears of joy in her eyes. Denki rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna get you back for this." "Really now?", Kyouka smugly asked.

"Just you wait, Kyouka. Once I'm big again, you're going to be in some serious trouble." "Maybe", shrugged Kyouka. "Until then, here." She took her husband's tiny hero suit and offered it to him. But just as he reached out to grab it, the woman pulled it away from him, making him fall off of the rubber ducky and into the bathtub's water.

Kyouka laughed hysterically as she helped Denki out of the water. "You okay?", she asked him upon calming down. "I'm wet, I'm half naked, and tiny. What do you think?" "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'll stop", said Kyouka. "Thank you", said Denki with a sigh of relief. "For now", said his wife. Before the tiny man could get a word out, the giant woman leaned in and placed a soft kiss on literally his entire head.

"Come on. I'll go help you get dressed." "Help? Kyouka, my clothes are the same size as me, and I know how to get dressed." "Really? Then what do you call it when you almost fall over every time you put on your pants." "It's just my hero suit's pants! And they're a little tight!"

. . .

Later that night, Kyouka walked into the bedroom with a matchbox stylized to look like a bed. "Here you go", she said, placing the tiny object on the bedside table. Denki reluctantly crawled into it. "What's wrong?", she asked him. "Nothing." "Really now?" Denki sighed. "I'm just upset I can't cuddle you anymore." Kyouka giggled at her husband's response.

She kissed her two fingers and gently touched Denki's head with them. "It'll be fine. We'll find a way to undo this quirk and you everything can go back to the way they were." "And I can get my revenge", added Denki. "Yeah. That too."

Kyouka switched off her bedside lamp and rested her head onto her pillow. "Night, Denki." "Good night, Kyouka."

. . .

Morning arrived, and Kyouka woke up to find that the little matchbox on her bedside table was empty. "Denki?" She looked around, and he was nowhere in sight. The young woman started to become worried.

Her phone started to ring, with the name "Momo" flashing on the screen. Kyouka answered the call and held the phone to her ear. "Hi, Kyouka", Momo greeted. "I heard about what happened to Denki. Just thought I'd let you know you don't need to worry anymore." Kyouka was confused. "What?" "Kirishima called. The effects of the shrinking quirk have worn off. Everything that was shrunk has returned to their normal size."

Kyouka was shocked. She looked back at the matchbox, only now noticing the lamp had been knocked over. "Thanks Momo. See ya." She ended the call, and began looking around. She was so focused on searching, she didn't even notice that there was someone sneaking up to her from behind.

Kyouka felt a pair of arms wrap around her and lift her into the air. "Denki?!" "Who else?", said the man. "By the way..." Kyouka shivered as she felt her husband's breath in her ear.

"It's payback time."

Before Kyouka could say anything else, she was dragged back into bed, where things got wild. And hot.

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