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First fucking poem I am putting in here... Well, it's also my first english poem and the first one that's VERY personal. I associate with every fucking verse at least one situation. I hope you can see the framing, but not the actual situation, I'd be ashamed.
Well, nothing left to say, I guess.

Contains insults and slang.

go on, do something!
... oh, you don't want to?
what a suprise.
you act like it's something new...

oh, you're finally moving yo' ass!
whatcha gonna do?
... welp, that's boring.
just like you...

oh, that's actually productive!
since when do you do it this way?
... you're so dumb.
can't get shit done...

they're all so kind and funny!
why don't you say somethin'?
... that was so weird.
can't even act normal once...

everyone's so creative!
but what about you?
... oof, you're the worst.
just put in some effort...

your time to shine!
why don't you just do it?
... man, you're such a coward.
can't even kill an animal

good idea, end this!
whatcha mean „all my fault“?
... i am just telling the truth.
yes, bring it to an end...
kill yourself

That's my first poem. I don't know if you know the described voice, but whatever. Let's just- just move on to the next ones. They were written today, the 20.10.22

I have a nose
so I can smell
your personal scent and the flowers.

I have ears
so I can hear
beautiful lies and incredible stories.

I have a tongue
so I can taste
the sweetness of love and friendship.

I have eyes
so I can see
the true beauty of life and living.

I am ill
so I can't smell
the burnt future and present.

My hands cover my ears
so I can't hear
the ugly truth and the voices.

I burned my tongue
so I can't taste
the bitterness of love and life.

My eyes are closed
so I can't see
the pain and death.

That's it.
I only have one more, that's a few days older. Hope you enjoy it, I couldn't help but thinking of Doki Doki Literature Club.

erase, delete, disappear,
I wonder why I am still here
I lie, I cry, I feel like dying,
why do I even keep on trying?
If I'd only have a little bit
more of bravery
so my thoughts wouldn't run anymore

So, do you like the poems itselves? It doesn't matter what they're about, though I think you know.

Stuff about Mrs Scamander (Stuffbook V2) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt