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I want to feel nothing, but I don't want to. I want to give up, but I can't and really shouldn't (not only because god says no and I saw what suicide does to the environment but also because I'm young, have a lot of possibilities still laying before me).
I do want to improve, but it's so much, so I try a lot and fail everything, because I can't focus enough to achieve and keep my goal in mind. Then I'm overwhelmed again and I'm back at the beginning.
I want to be a wonderful author, but I can't even write one chapter at once. Not even mentioning how bad I am at structuring beforehand just as „letting it flow“.
I want to have friends, but I want to be alone. I want a partner (not in the near future though, that'd be contraproductive for both of us), but I also really don't because I don't want to have to share so much of myself with someone and stuff... I want cuddles and maybe kisses and I want to talk AND be silent with them.
I want to be me, but I want to be liked by God, my parents and my friends, I want that I like me, but achieving all these is straight up impossible.
I want to be a good Christian, a good person, friend, daughter, student and stranger.

In reality, I have no clue what I want. I am so full of exact opposites, that I neither know what is good and what's bad, nor what and who to believe. There are so many different opinions and all that... I really don't know anymore. I want someone to tell me what to do, but I also really don't, because no one can assure me, that that is actually the right way to go/opinion.

Life is too much and that's why.

Stuff about Mrs Scamander (Stuffbook V2) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt