Chapter 11

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Hailey am pacing around her room waiting for Lucas to come pick her up so that he could drive her to school today. Today is the day that she was going to tell the team that she can no longer play. She felt kind of scared to tell them because she don't know how they will react. She sat on her bed when her phone went off.

  Lucas💕: Hey I am here. Take your time I don't want to rush you.

Hailey: I have been done for half an hour now. I have been pacing around my room trying to figure out how I am going to tell the team that I can no longer play with you guys.

  Lucas💕: Don't worry about it. They will understand. No one will be mad about it if that is what you are worried about.

Hailey: Thanks Lucas. I have been scared of how they are going to react when I tell them.

  Lucas💕: Don't worry about it. How about we stop for breakfast before we go to school.

Hailey: That will be fun.

  Lucas💕: Well you have to hurry up if you want to have time to stop for breakfast or we will be late to practice.

  Hailey: What happened to not wanting to rush me.

  Lucas💕: Well I am starting to get impatient. Hurry your lazy arse up

  After Hailey read Lucas' message she grabbed her bag and walked out the door. He was leaning against his car waiting for her. When she got to his car he gave her a kiss before he let her get in the car.

  "Now get in the car so that we can get breakfast. Niall asked me to get him and Lauren some breakfast for after practice." He told her.

  "Well come on. Your the one who is going to make us late now because you have not even started the car." Hailey joked.

  "Well now look who is getting impatient." He told her as he grabbed her hand.

  Hailey did not really talk the whole time because a lot was going through her mind. Lucas kept trying to start a conversation but she didn't really feel like talking so he gave up. When they  got to the cafe and ordered their food and drinks then they headed to the school. When they got there Lucas went to the locker rooms while Hailey went to go find the coach.

  "Hey coach can I talk to you real fast." Hailey said.

  "Yeah what's up Hailey." He said.

  "Well I came to tell you that I have to quit the team." She told him looking down.

  "Why is everything alright? Does this have to do with you passing out during our game?" He asked her.

  "Yeah it does. The reason that I passed out was because my cancer is getting worse and the tumor has grown instead of shrinking like it should have. I have to start stronger chemo and targeted radiation to try and treat it."

  "Well I hope that it works this time. Everyone will understand that your health is more important than the team. Would you like me to tell them." He said as the team started coming out to the field.

  "Yes please. I don't think I will be able to do it." Hailey told him as Lucas walked over to them followed by Lauren and Niall.

  "I am assuming that the three of you already know about what is going on." He told the three of them.

  "Yeah she told us the day that she found out the chemo was not working like her doctor had hoped it would." Lauren said.

  "Okay. Once the rest of the team gets out here than I will tell them than we can start our practice." Coach told Hailey then he walked to the center of the field where the rest of the team was starting to gather. It was not long before the rest of the team had gotten out onto the field.

  "Okay everyone I have some news. Sadly Hailey is no longer able to play with our team." He told everyone. When he said that Hailey felt everyone's eyes on her.

  "Why can you no longer play?" One of them asked.

  "Because I have cancer and instead of getting better like it was supposed to be when I was going through treatment it is getting worse now I have to get even stronger treatment. I am probably not even going to be able to come to school while I am getting the treatment." She told them.

   She could feel the tears building up in her eyes so she turned to Lucas and buried her face into his chest. She felt someone rub her back and she started crying. Since they found out that the cancer has gotten worse she had not cried but having everyone looking at her right now made her feel like crying.

  After she turned back to all of them they all pulled her into a group hug. They all kept telling her that they would always be here if she needed anything. It felt nice to have a lot of people to be there for her. After practice was over she went to the rest of her classes and the day went by fast.

  The rest of the week went by fast and before she knew it it was time for her to head to the hospital to sign in for treatment. When she left to go get signed in Lucas decided that he wanted to go with her for emotional support. Hailey rested her head on his shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around her. She fell asleep and before she knew it LucS was shaking her to wake her up.

  "Hey come on. We are here. You have to wake up so that we can get you checked in." Lucas said.

  "I know. I am just so tired." Hailey told him.

  "I can carry you inside. You have to sit up so that I can pick you up though."

  She scooted to the side of the car so that he could pick her up. Lucas wrapped her arms and legs around him while she buried her face into his neck. He followed her mom inside to the front desk to check Hailey in. The nurse led them to the room she will be staying in and Lucas laid her into the bed.

  "Will you lay with me Lucas?" She asked him.

  "Yeah I will. Scoot over so that I can lay by you." He said and Hailey scooted over for him.

  He laid beside her while the nurse came in the room. She was explaining what was going to be happening but Hailey was not paying enough attention to her.

  "You are starting your treatment so the doctor wants me to put the IV in right now. Can I see your hand love." She told Hailey.

  she moved her hand so that the nurse could get it. She put the IV in and she left the room. Hailey laid her head on Lucas chest and fell asleep. The only time that she woke up was when the nurse came in with her dinner. She ended up sharing part of my food with Lucas because she was not feeling well. His mom came to pick him up when visiting time was over.

  "I promise that I will come back tomorrow morning when visiting hours start again okay." He told her.

  Hailey nodded her head yes and turned her attention back to the tv. She was watching a movie with Lucss but now she was watching it on her own. It was getting late so she texted Louis good night before she went to bed.

  She woke up some time during the night because she felt really sick. She got up as quietly as she could so that she did not wake up her mom and went to the bathroom. She got to the bathroom just in time to empty the contents of her stomach into the bathroom. She heard a knock on the door.

  "Hailey are you alright in there?" Her mom asked.

  Before Hailey could answer her she started throwing up again. She opened the door and came in. She sat beside her on the floor rubbing circles in her back until she was done. Hailey got up and brushed my teeth before going back to bed.

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