Chapter 24

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  The doctor told them that Hailey's cancer has gotten worse and her mom could not believe it. She was laying in the bed with Hailey and she was holding onto her until the doctor got back into the room with the discharge papers. She filled them out they left. While they were walking out to the car she decided to call Jay.

"Hey how is Hailey doing?" Jay asked when she picked up the phone.

  "She said her headache is better and we are leaving the hospital now." She tell her trying to keep her voice from breaking but failed.

  "What's wrong I can tell you are crying. Is it about Hailey?"

  "Yeah. The doctor said that it has gotten worse. They can't do anything about it now. I was told I can take her home so that we can spend time together before she passes. They said we only have about a month or two months left. They said her cancer is terminal. This stupid cancer is going to take my baby girl away from me. I don't know how I am going to get through this." Alexis started sobbing into the phone

  "Well all I can tell you is Lucas and I will be here for you two the whole time. I finally got Lucas to calm down and he went to sleep in Hailey's room because he wore himself out. Do you want me to tell him or do you want to wait until Hailey can tell him."

  "I think that Hailey would want to tell him herself. I have to let you go so that I can drive. I will see you when we get to the house." She tell her before hunging up. She looked over at Hailey and she was staring out the window blankly.

  "Hey how you feeling?" She ask her.

  "I'm fine. My headache is coming back though." She told her mom not breaking her gaze from the window.

  "Okay we will stop to pick up your medicine that the doctor gave you for when you had a headache from the pharmacy before we head to our house." She nodded her head and her mom started to drive. They had been driving for five minutes before she heard her stomach growl. She realized that she had not had any breakfast this morning because they went straight to the doctor and it was almost one.

  "Hey do you want to stop for some food. You did not eat breakfast this morning and I can hear your stomach growl from here." She told her. She could see a small smile on her face but it quickly changed back to a blank expression.

  "Yeah I am kind of hungry but I feel sick so I don't know if I can keep the food down." She told her.

  "How about I get you a drink and some toast when we get home then." Shee nodded and she continued driving. When they got to the pharmacy Alexis noticed that Hailey was moving around a bit more than she was when they first got in the car. She also noticed that the color was returning to his face and she did not look as pale as she had when they left the doctor. She smiled a little because she knew that she must be feeling better now.

  "You look like you are feeling better than you were this morning." She told her.

  "Yeah I am. My stomach is not as upset and my headache is better than it was. It is tolerable now. Can we not tell Lucas about this yet. I don't want to worry him anymore." She told her mom as she pulled out of the pharmacy parking lot.

  "Your going to have to tell him eventually. He is going to notice that you are getting sicker and sicker. Plus he is your boyfriend he is always going to be worried about you." She told her.

  "I know but I am just not ready to tell him yet."

  "I understand that but you do need to tell him sooner rather than later because the longer you wait before you tell him the worse he is going to react about it. I already told Jay about it and she did say she would wait to tell him until you were ready."

  "I know that I have to tell him soon but I am just not ready to tell him. His birthday was yesterday and today is Christmas. It is a time to be happy not being sad. I want to wait at least a couple days." She told her mom and she understood what she had ment.

  "Okay I agree with you. We can tell Jay that you are not ready to tell him yet and I am sure that she will understand." She told her. They were pulling in their neighborhood and they could see our house come into view. Jay and Lucas were both waiting outside for them to get home. When her mom pulled in the driveway Lucas ran up to the passenger side of the car and he opened the door.

  "Hey how you feeling Hails?" He asked Hailey.

  "I am cold let's go inside." Hailey said holding her arms out for Lucas to pick her up. She wrapped her arms around Lucas neck and her legs around his waist. Her mom watched them go inside and she pulled Jay aside so that she could talk to her.

  "Hey before we go in there I wanted to tell you that Hailey does not want to tell Lucas about what is going in yet. She wants to wait at least a week because it is Christmas." She told her.

  "Well I will try my best to keep Lucas from asked Hailey about it. Come in let's go enjoy this Christmas I am sure that Lucas is already asking Hailey a lot of questions." Jay said while she was walking back to the house.

  Jay was right when we went into the house Louis was asking Hailey what was wrong but Hailey just told him that it was just a headache. His could see on Lucas' face that he was not buying it but he was not pushing it.

  "Hey how about we hand out the presents then I will go in the kitchen and figure out something for dinner since I did not get to cook anything." Hailey's mom told them.

  They all sat down Jay and Alexis were sitting on the couches while Lucas and Hailey were sitting on the floor. Lucas had Hailey sitting on his lap and Hailey had her head laying on Lucas' shoulder.

  "Here I will hand out presents. It may be a little hard for you to open you presents with Hailey sitting in your lap Lucas." Jay said.

  "I don't care. I will have Hailey help me open my presents." Lucas told his mother. Jay handed Hailey and Lucas their first presents. They went through all of the ones that were sitting under the tree.

  "I think that is all of the presents." Jay said.

  "No I forgot to put Hailey's present under the tree. Mom can you please run to get it. I have it in the top of my closet." Lucas said.

  "Yeah I will go grab it. You want to come with me Anne?" Jay asked her.

  "Yeah I will walk over there with you." She told her rising from the couch. They walked over to her house and up to Lucas' room.

  "I am sorry with how messy his room is I have been after him about cleaning it but he won't." She told her.

  "It's not that bad. I understand that a kids room is going to be messy. I am lucky that Hailey cleans her room once a week." Alexis told her.

  "Well maybe Lucas should spend more time with Hailey. Hailey might start to rub of on Lucas."

  "Yeah. I am sure that once Lucas finds out that Hailey is worse the two of them will be glued at the hip." She grabbed the present from Lucas closet and they head back to my house. Jay opened the door and heard Lucas singing to Hailey and Hailey was asleep in his lap. Jay handed the present to Lucas and he placed it beside him.

  "I will give it to her when she wakes up. She said that her headache was back and that she was tired I told her to lay her head on my chest and she asked me to sing if I could fly to her. I did and she fell asleep." Louis explained to them.

  "Yeah he loves that song. I would sing it to him all the time when he was sick last year." Her mom told him. She pulled a blanket over them because she saw Hailey shiver a little. She went and sat back down on the couch beside Jay and put a movie on the tv for them to watch since Hailey was asleep. They sat there for a while before she got up to make some dinner.

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