Chapter 26

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  When Lucas woke up the next morning Hailey was not laying on the bed beside him. He got up to go look for her. He found her in the bathroom getting sick. He sat beside her and started rubbing her back.

  "Hey why did you not wake me up?" Lucas asked her.

  "Because you don't have to worry about me. Plus you looked tired so I decided to let you sleep in longer. I am fine my stomach is just a little upset." She told him.

  "Hails I will always worry about you. I am your boyfriend it is my job to be worried about you. I don't care if you just want a drink. I want you to wake me up if you feel sick or need something okay." He told her. She nodded and flushed the toilet. She helped her up off the floor and back into her room. Lucas went to go get her a drink and he found both of their moms were awake already.

  "Oh hey Lucas. What are you doing up?" His mom asked him.

  "I woke up and Hailey was getting sick. She is done now but I wanted to come get her a drink." He told her.

  "Hey let me get you a cup of water. Thank you for taking care of him Lucas." Alexis told him.

  "Of course I would take care of her. She is my girlfriend. It is my job to take care of her." He told her as she handed him a cup.

  "I just appreciate how much you have been doing for her. When she first found out she was sick again she was too shared to tell anyone because she was scared of how at her last school everyone looked at her different and she sad scared all of you would act the same but when you Niall and Lauren found out that she was sick you did not change how you after around him. If any thing the four of you got close and i appreciate that the three of you are sticking by her." Anne pulled him into a hug before he went back upstairs. Hailey was sitting on the bed waiting for him to come back. He handed her the glass of water and laid beside her.

  "I thought you were going to go back to sleep." He told her after she put the cup down.

  "I was going to go back to sleep but i am hungry." She told him.

  "Come on lets go grt some breakfast. Both of our moms are already in the kitchen." He helped her out of the bed and into the kitchen.

  "Look what the cat dragged in." Lucas heared Alexis say.

  "Yeah i was hungry so we decide to come down to get some breakfast." Hailey told her mom.

  "How are you feeling. Lucas told us that you were not feeling sick when you first got up." Lucas' mom asked her.

  "Yeah my stomach was a little bit upset when i woke up but it is better now. My headache is also gone." She told her. They all sat down at the table and ate some eggs and bacon for breakfast.

  "Hey why don't you two invite over Lauren and Niall over." His mom told them.

  "Yeah i will text them and see if they want to come over." Hailey said. She texted them and they both agreed to come over. They finished eating and went into the living room to watch some tv until they got there. When there was a knock on the door Lucas went to open it and found Niall and Lauren both standing there.

  "Come on in you two we are watching some tv in the living room if you want to join us." He told them. They walked in the room and Hailey was sitting on the couch trying not to fall asleep. Lucas walked over and sat next to her.

  "Hey Niall and Lauren are here." He told her. She looked over to them and smiled.

  "Hey you two. Come sit down and watch with us." She told them. They sat down and watched the tv for a while until Hailey fell asleep.

  "How is he doing. I know that you told us that he had to go the the hospital yesterday. Do you know what happened?" Lauren asked Lucas.

  "He woke up yesterday with a really bad headache so I went to go get his mom and when we got back in there his mom saw that his nose was bleeding and took him to the hospital. I don't know what happened from there because they won't tell me anything. Hailey said that it was just a headache but I don't really believe that. I feel like she is hiding something from me." He tell them.

  "I'm sure he is not hiding anything from you." Lauren told her.

  "I know. Everyone I try to ask her about it our moms change the subject or she changes the subject. I am scared that it was because of her cancer."

  "I know. You will just have to wait until he is ready to talk about it." Lauren said as Hailey jumps up off the couch and runs to the bathroom. Lucas get up to follow her but Niall stops him.

  "I will go check on him. Maybe I can get him to tell me what is wrong. I can usually get her to open up about stuff to me. If I can get anything out of her I will come tell you if it is something bad." Niall told me.

  "Okay. Don't push her about it though. And if she asks you to not tell me then please dont. I dont want her to not trust you because you told me. She trusts you enough to open up about stuff going on." Lucas tells him. He watched Niall leave the room and follow Hailey to the bathroom. He hoped thats he will be okay.

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