Chapter 19

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After everyone left the house Hailey and her mom decided to go shopping because Christmas and Lucas' birthday were coming up soon and she wanted to get all of them presents. They decided that they were going to go to the mall.

  "You ready to go Hailey?" Her mom called from the door.

  "Yeah just let me get my jacket and hat on and I will be down there." She told her grabbing a jacket and hat off the bed. She pulled them on and ran to the front door.

  "Come on. I have to get some shopping done there as well."

  They climbed in the car and turned the radio on. They were singing along to the radio the whole ride there. When they got there they decided that they were going to the food court to get food before they started shopping.

  "So what are you planning in getting everyone?" Her mom asked her.

  "I know that Lauren loves to draw so I was going to get him some art supplies. I don't know about Lucas or Niall yet." Hailey told her taking a bite of her nachos.

  "Well let's look around and we can see what we can find for each of them." Her mom told her as she got up to throw her trash away. Hailey had finished so she threw her trash away as well. They first went and got Lauren's present then looked around until Hailey found the perfect gift for Lucas and Niall. After her mom finished shopping they left.

  "Hey why don't we invite all of your friends and their family over to our house Christmas Eve and we can have a party." Her mom told me as they got home.

  "That will be so fun. I will ask them. We have to start planning it because it is only a week and a half away." Haey told her.

  "Are you going to go over to Lucas house?"

  "No. I am not feeling very well right now so I am going to head up to my room and I am going to rest for a little bit then I may go over there later if I am feeling better."

  "What do you mean you are not feeling well. Is it your head?"

  "Yeah it is. My head has been hurting since we got in the car to come home and it has gotten worse."

  "You should have told me. I always keep some medicine in the car in case you get a headache while we are in the car."

  "I know but it was not that bad while we were in the car so I was not worried about it."

  "Okay go ahead and go up to your room and I will bring up some food and some medicine for your headache alright." She told Hailey as she finished putting away what they bought.

  She walked up to her room and laid down in the bed. Her phone started ringing beside her but she ignored it and plugged in her phone. Her mom walked in with some medicine and a drink for her as well as some soup.

  "Here you go. How are you feeling?" She asked handing her the pills.

  "I just have a headache mom I am fine." Hailey told her.

  "Yeah but we both know that it is not just a headache."

  "I know that it is not just a headache but I am fine right now. If it gets any worse I will tell you okay."

  "Okay. If you need anything I will be starting dinner. I will bring you up some when it is done if you are not up by then." She told her leaving.

  After she left the room Hailey' phone started ringing. She search for her phone and grabbed it to see who was calling. It was Lucas so she picked it up.

  "Hello?" She asked.

  "Hey Haz how you feeling. I called you earlier but you did not pick up then your mom told me you were not feeling well." He told her.

  "Yeah after my mom came home from shopping earlier I got a pretty bad headache."

  "That's not good. Do you want me to come over and I can take care if you."

  "No I am fine. Oh hey while I am on the phone with you my mom wanted me to invite my friends and their families over on Christmas Eve for a party. Do you and your mom want to come?"

  "Give me one second to ask my mom but I am sure that she would love to do that. She was already talking about me having a party for my birthday anyways." He said and Hailey could hear him running to his mom and asking her about it.

  "My mom said that she would love to come over for the party. She also told me to get you to tell your mom that she will help her with the planning and baking if she needs help with it." He told her once he was done talking to him mom.

  "Okay I will tell my mom. I will come by tomorrow and we can go do something just me and you okay?" She asked him.

  "Okay I will see you tomorrow. Bye Lucas." She told him. After they said their goodbyes sge hung up and decided to go into the kitchen because her headache was better. She walked in the kitchen and her mom was at the stove stirring a pot.

  "Hey mom what you making." She said and my mom jumps a foot in the air.

  "Hailey you almost gave me a heart attack. Why did you sneak up on me." She says holding her chest.

  "I did not mean to scare you I was coming down here to see if you needed some help because my headache is better."

  "Can you set the table. Dinner is almost done."

  "Yeah I can. Lucas called me earlier and I told him about the party and he said his mom wants to help you plan it and help you with the cooking if you want."

  "That will be amazing. I will call her tomorrow and we can talk about it. What are you doing tomorrow." She said as she brought the food over to the table.

  "Me and Lucas are going to go do something tomorrow but he won't tell me what it is yet." She told her while she was making Hailey a plate of food. Her mom had made spaghetti. They continued to talk about everything going on while they were eating. They decided to watch a movie after tgey finished eating.

  "What movie do you want to watch?" Her mom asked her.

  "Can we please watch the notebook?" She asked her.

  "We watch that one everytime we do a movie not how about something else."

  "Fine let's watch the jungle book."

  "Okay the jungle book it is." After she put it in they curled up on the couch with a blanket around the both of them.

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