Chapter 17

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"Yes I am finally breaking out of here." Hailey said as they got the last thing into her mom's car.

"Yep and you don't have to come back there for a week then once you get back you have a week of chemo before we have to do a scan to check on that tumor in your head." The doctor told her.

After she said goodbye to all of the doctors and nurses she climbed into her mom's car and they left.

Everyone decided that they wanted go go out to eat ice cream before they went to Hailey's house. Before they got out Hailey put on her favorite green hat on that Lucas had given her. He had a matching one. They went inside and got ice cream before sitting down. It was a little hot in the ice cream shop so Hailey took her hat off and put it on the table beside her.

"Mommy why does that girl have no hair is she sick?" A little girl asked her mom right behind them.

"Abigail you can not just say stuff like that. That is rude go apologize to him." Her mom said. Hailey turned to look at the girl and her mom and the mother mouthed sorry.

"Oh no it's fine she is just curious. Your right I am sick Abigail. I am getting medicine that will help me get better but it made my hair come out." She explained to the little girl.

"Will your hair come back though." Her mom gave Hailey an apologetic look.

"Yes it will. Would you two like to come sit with us?" She offered to them.

"No we have to get going but thank you for not getting mad at her for asking questions I am still trying to teach her that she can not just shout things like that because it might upset some people." Her mom told her.

"I don't mind at all. I know that kids will be kids and they get curious some times." Hailey told her and they said bye and her and her daughter walked out the door. She turned back to the table and everyone was looking at her.

"What do I have ice cream on my face or something." She asked them.

"No it's just amazing how you were so good with the little kid." Niall said.

They kept eating until they all had finished when Nick walked in with some of his friends. He has a big bruise on his cheek and he has a black eye from fighting Lucas yesterday. He saw us and he came over. When Lucas and Niall saw him they both stood in front of Hailey while Lauren stood beside her.

"Well what do you know it's the hairless freak and her squad of freaks." Nick said.

"What do you want Nick?" Niall asked.

"What can I not just have a talk with my friends from my old team?" Nick asked with an annoying smirk on his face.

"You stopped being our friend when you decided to talk bad about Hailey." Lucas said.

"What did I offend you when I said something boo hoo man up and learn to take a comment." Nick said looking at Hailey. She pushed pass all of them and ran to her mom's car.

"Hails what's wrong why are you crying. Did something happen in the ice cream shop?" Her mom asked.

She had not even realized that she was crying until her mom said that. She wiped a tear from her cheek while her mom pulled her into a hug. When she calmed down she saw the boys walk out of the store and get back into the car. Lucas wrapped his arms around her until her mom started driving.

"I am so sorry about Nick. Before he moved to that new school he did not act like that. I had no clue he was going to treat you like that." Lucas said.

"Lucas it's not your fault. It's okay I am not going to let one guy get to me. Now let's go to my house and watch some movies and order some pizza alright." Hailey told him.

When they got to her house they all sat in the living room watching movie. It was Hailey and Lucas cuddling on one couch while Niall and Lauren were cuddled up on the other couch. Lucas laid his head on her chest and she was running her fingers through his hair until she fell asleep.

When she woke up she was feeling sick so she got out from Lucas without waking him up and ran to the bathroom in time to empty the contents of her stomach into the toilet. After five minutes she felt someone placing their hand on her back.

"You okay Hails? Do I need to go wake up Lucas or your mom?" Niall asked her.

"No I am fine. This is just because I had chemo this morning or yesterday depending on what time it is. I will be fine can you just sit with me though." She told him.

"Yeah of course I will sit with you. You do know that all of us are here for you right. You already know that Lucas will not let anyone talk bad about you and I had to hold Lauren back from killing Nick in the ice cream shop after you ran out. I think that if Lucas had not broken his hand yesterday I would have to hold both of them back."

"Yeah I don't know why I ran out of there today because the bully at my old school would call me a hairless freak all the time at my old school before I left and i guess it just brought back some bad memories that i had tried so hard to forget."

"Well if you are done getting sick then we can go to your room and we can talk about this if you want to." Niall said. Hailey nodded her head and stood up to brush her teeth while Niall flushed the toilet.

"Actually can I be honest with you?" She asked him looking at her lap.

"Yeah of course you can what are friends for if they can not be honest with them." Niall told her as they sat on her bed.

"You can't tell Lucas anything that I am about to tell you because he will try to change my mind about it but I have made up my mind."

"Of course anything you tell me will stay between the two of us."

"When I go get the scans to see how my cancer is doing if it is not getting better or if it has gotten worse I don't think I want to continue with the treatment. It is making me tired and sick all the time and I hate it." She told him wiping a tear from her cheek. Niall wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

"Hey it's you decision and I am sure Lucas will support your decision even if he does not agree with it. He loves you Hailey and he always will." He told her.

"I don't want Lucas to know because he will think that I have given up. That is not true. I have been fighting for so long and I am sick and tired of fighting. Everyone is always telling me that I am strong and that I can get through this but I don't think that I am strong enough to get through this. I hate always feeling weak and sick. I also want to stop with the treatment because I hate how people have been judging me because I am sick. Everyone looks at me with so much pity when they find out that I have cancer. They all start to treat me different because I am sick and I hate it. I am so tired of people of people acting like I am going to die at any minute." She told him.

  "Well everyone keeps telling you are strong because you are. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met and no one will think you just gave up because you choose to quit the treatment you are just tired and want the sickness to end already." Niall told her as he took her hands in his.

After he told her that they heard someone gasp and start running down the stairs. Niall and Hailey looked at each other with panic in their eyes. They walk into the living room and find Lucas still asleep on the couch and Lauren was no where to be found.

"Hey it's okay I will call her and get her to come back. She is probably just upset." Niall told her.

"Whose upset about what? Wait where is Lauren?" Lucas asked up. Niall and Hailey looked at each other and shrugged at him.

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