Chapter 15

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  Hailey can not believe that she was actually going to be able to go to Lucas' game tonight. She has been so excited about going because she misses the team.

  "Come on Hailey we are going to be late if we don't leave soon." Her mom said.

  "I'm almost ready. Have you seen my beanie?" Hailey asked her looking for it.

  "Yeah it's in the bag that you left it is when Lucas brought it for you." She told her. She grabbed the bag and she pulled the beanie out and put it on.

  They headed out to the car and climbed in. The whole time Hailey had a huge smile on her face because she was excited about seeing the teams last game of the season. They had an hour long drive before they got to the school. When they were driving Lucas kept texting Hailey.

  Lucas💕: Hey are you on your way over here yet?

  Hailey: Yes. We will be there isn't like ten minutes. We are stopping to get a drink before we get there though.

  Lucas💕: Well hurry up. The whole team is waiting for you to be here all ready

  Hailey: Well tell them I will be there soon. We are headed there.

  Hailey rolled her eyes at Louis and put her phone down on her lap as her mother pulled into a drive through because they were getting some food before the game since Hailey and her mom did not eat before they left for the game because Hailey was too busy getting ready for the game.

  "Hey what do you want?" Her mom asked.

  "Umm just a sweet tea please." Hailey told her before she went back to texting Lucas.

  Lucas💕: I did and even coach told me to tell you to hurry up.

  She was laughing at Lucas while her mom paid for their drinks. They started driving again when her phone started ringing. She looked at the caller ID and it was Lucas.

  "Hello." Hailey answered.

  "I'm sorry Hails. They made me call you." He told her.

  "Who is they and how did they make you?" She asked laughing.

  "Hey hailey. We made him call you by stealing his phone until he promised to call you." Niall said.

  "Why did you steal his phone Niall. I will be at the school in like five minutes. And shouldn't you be out on the fields warming up."

  "No we have ten minutes before we have to be on the fields. When you get here come straight to the locker room. We want you to walk out on the field with us." Coach told her.

  "I don't have my Jersey though." She told him making her mother turn back to her to see what was going on.

  "Don't worry about that. This morning I ran to your house and grabbed it this morning because I knew we were going to have you to walk out and sit with us." Lucas said.

  "Okay well my mom is pulling into the school now and I will be in the locker room in like five minutes. I have to go buy." Hailey told them. They said bye to each other and Hailey hung up the phone.

  After her mom parked the car she got out and started walking up to the locker room. When she got to the door she heard the whole team yelling like they usually do when they are getting ready for a game. Hailey walked in and saw that Louis, Lauren and Niall's backs were turned to her. She put her finger to her lips telling the team members who could see her not to say anything.

  She walked up to Lucas and covered his eyes with her hands. He looked mad when he turned around until he saw it was Hailey. His face lit up and he jumped into her arms. She was not ready for him to jump on her so they fell to the ground. They sat there for a while before he got off her.

  "I am so happy to see you here." Niall said.

  "I am happy to be here. It means that I don't have to spend another day in that hospital room. Hopefully I don't have to go back there." She told them.

  "Wait. What do you mean by that?" Lauren asked her.

  "Well my doctor said that since I am not as sick anymore I don't have to stay there all the time anymore but I still have to go in for the treatment." She told them. They pulled her into a group hug then the whole team joined in.

  "What is the hold up. Why are none of you out there on the field. Our game starts in three minutes." Coach said.

  "Sorry that is my fault that none of them are out there." Hailey told him.

  When coach turned around and saw her he ran up to her gaveing her a hug. After he let go she grabbed my jersey from Lucas and went into a bathroom to put it in. They all walked out of the locker room and out into the field. They all started warming up and Hailey went to sit in the sidelines. Once they were done warming up they all came and sat by her once the game started. Lucas and Lauren were both out in the field and Niall was sitting by Hailey.

  "I still can not believe that you are going home. Will you be coming back to school yet?" He asked her.

  "Ni I can not go back to school yet. I have to wait until the next scan before I get to see if I can go back to school or not." She tell him.

  The two of them continued out discussion for a while before Niall was put in and the coach took Lauren out if the game. The two of them started talking.

  "So do you get to stay home today or do you have to go back there?" Lauren asked.

  "I have to go back tonight because I have a round of chemo tomorrow then I get to go home tomorrow." She told him. Their team scored a goal and tem rest of the team all jumped up and cheered. They had twenty five more minutes of the game and were ahead of the other team by ten points.

  The team got three more goals before one of their team shoved one of their team. They started an argument before Lucas had to break them. We ended up winning. When the game was over Hailey ran up to Lucas and gave him a big hug.

  "Oh so this is the idiot who all of you shaved your head for?" One kid off the other team said.

  "What did you just say?" Lucas snapped back. Hailey tried to pull him away but he pulled his arm away from her.

  "You heard me I called her an idiot. I don't understand what you see in her." The kid said.

  "Nick you better shut your mouth before I make you." Lucas warned.

  The next thing Hailey know the kid from the other team threw a pinch at Lucas. Lucas hit him back then they both fell to the ground hitting each other. Niall ran over to Lucas pulled him away from the Nick kid while Lauren ran over to Hailey and stood in front of her to make sure she was not hit during the fight. Before Niall got him back he punched the other kid so hard that he knocked him out. Niall pulled Lucas to the locker room where everyone else was already changing.

  "What was that all about. I have known you my whole life and I have never seen you act like that." Lauren said to Lucas.

  "I know. Nick was talking bad about Hailey." Lucas told him as he pulled Hailey into a hug.

  "Well I am just glad that you waited until after the game before you did that because if you had not then we would not have been able to win the game." Coach told him. While Lucas was changing Hailey noticed that he kept wincing when he was using his right hand. She decided she would say something about it later.

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