| No matter what happens | Cesar x reader 🕸💖

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Y/n = your name
F/f = favourite food
B/n = brothere name
L/n = last name
H/c = hair color

Warning!: This story mentshons:


Get of the book if you are uncomfortable with that.

Now then lets continue...

[ Y/N ]: POV

( just so you know you have a brother that got M.A.D and she ended her own life so yeah thats the plot of this one-shot ).

Living with your loved one is fun until you have to deal with the alternet invasion that has cursed the Mandela County.

You and your lover Cesar have been trying to still keep things light hearted even tho you guys are dealing with hell monsters that are trying to get you killed.

You guys were running out off toilet paper and cookies so Cesar declared that he is going to go and buy the stuff you guys need.

"AY CESAR!" you yelled in the kitchen.

"YEAH MI AMOR?!" Cesar yelled down the hall.

"WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF COOKIES!" You yelled sticking your head out of the frige.

"OKAY I WILL GO AND BUY THEM, WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TOILET PAPER ANYWAY!" Cesar said getting his things and unlocking the door.


"OKAY, BYE MI AMOR!" Cesar said as he left and locked the door.

~[20 MiNs LaTeR]~

"God damn, it is boring." You said looking around your house, trying to find something that will cure your boardom.

So you looked around the living room you locked your eyes on the TV.

"I mean i could check out the news. I need to see how the world is doing." You said turing on the TV.

"Okay now where are the news?" You said flicking throuht the TV channels.

"Here we are!" You said finally getting to the news channel.

"For today we have news of-." The braod cast said as your mind wondered off to mars.

"God this is boring and i am really hungry, maybe there is something in the frige." You thought as you looked at the kitchen.

As you got to the kitchen you were looking for F/f yet you couldn't find it so you grumply went back to the living room.

"God this house doesn't have anything good." You said still being angry that you couldn't find f/f.

"Whatever lets just watch they news." You said getting your attecion on the TV.

"Toning at 3:33 AM was found the dead body of b/n L/n. Furder analasys say that the victim shot theyselfs with a 12 inchs shot-gun. The police theoriers that the victim might have gotten M.A.D. and because of that they shot themselfs." You couldn't understand what the news said. I mean how could you, your sister killed herself because of M.A.D.

You were left speechless. All you could do was CRY.

Yet you were so caught up with crying that you couldn't hear the door unlocking.

"Ay mi amor! I stole Marks keys of his car let him try and get to his car now. Anyways i bought what you were asking fo-." Cesar cut himself off before he could finish the sentence.

"M-mi amor are you alright? Did something happe-?" "He is dead." You cut Cesar off.

"W-who is dead?" Cesar asked not wanting to hear the answer, fearing for the worst

"My Brother. He's- He's.....dead." You said hanging your head down, not wanting to look at him.

Cesar looked at you sorrow and guilt filled his eyes, they were starting to water.

"............." Not saying a word Cesar sat down and hugged you, not planning to let go, well neither were you.

"Mi a-amor i.....i am so so so-sorry for your loss. I know h-how you feel, it must be ha-hard and i will be her-here every step off the way."

"You can rely on me." Cesar said slowly running his fingers throuht your H/c hair.

How could you get so lucky to have an amazing boyfriend such as him.

"Come on lets lay a bit i know you must be tierd." Cesar said getting you of the couch and carrying you brital style to your bedroom.

As you and him got to your bedroom he layed you down on your bed trying to get you in a comfy posicion.

As he was about to leave to get something you stuck your hand out towards him saying:

"I-i really want to cuddle right now i reall-really need it." You said getting a bit flustered.

"Sure mi amor. I ain't leaving you any time soon." Cesar said sitting down on the bed.


You two cuddled the rest of the night.



Yeah.....i am on a writting block...heh

Hope you enjoyed it sorry it was short i have some other problems to pay attencion to....like my broke leg...anyways hope you guys are doing okay and that you are drinking water bye~😌💅

Word count: 866

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