| Shepherd | Gabriel x reader 💖🕸

956 19 10

I wanted to write some bullsh!t on how the reader and our good old satan have met. Because i am kinda mad i made him all nice to the reader so this is kinda like an origin story.

Ofcourse you don't have to belive this and you can make up your own story on how you people met Gabriel so yeah.

Anways as always.


-Body horror or disturbing discription.
-And swearing.

But. Let us begin. Shall we?

And i also decided to try using something else beside using Y/n and use redacted words. Yay... also tell me if i should just stick with y/n if you think this is a bad idea.

~[ ThIrTh PeRsOn PoV ]~

███████ walked down the empty streets of Mandela County. It was getting pretty late, but ███████ wanted to take a break from the reality and the horrors Mandela county offers because of the alternate invasion.

As they walked closer to their house/apartment they took a short cut so they don't need to walk all of the way. And went down a dark alley.

Once they were halfway there they stopped moving. Seeing an alternate standing over a dead c#rpse. ███████ went silent. Not mentally ready to deal with those sh!ts again. As the alternate turned around to see who made the noise, ███████ quickly ran away. Not wanting to deal with this mess.

Once they were out of the alley they still needed to go home. But because the short cut was off limits they needed to go the long way back home.

~[ SoMe TiMe LaTeR ]~

Once ███████ finally got home they locked their doors, locked the windows. Covered them with whatever they could find. And finally sat on their couch.

"What is even point of this?" ███████ wondered. All of this, just to stay alive? They couldn't take it anymore. Theu just went to bed and went to sleep even if they were still in clothes with a coat on.

Some time later. ███████'s sleep was inturpped by a light in their living room. They got out of bed with a headache and looked a the clock that was on the nightstand.

"3 AM. Welp that doesn't sound good." ███████ though as they walked to the living room to see what im the actual fuck was going on.

In the living room. Stood a tall figure, maybe 6,8 feet tall at this point. Who wore a white gown that covered them to their feet. They had long hair and a pair of wings. (At this point we all know who this is.) The figure turned to look at  ███████. And smiled.

"My dear Shepherd. I bring good news of joy." The figure spoke in a soft voice that echoed, almost angelicly.

███████'s eyes were wide open. They though they were tripping and were seeing and hearing things. I mean. How the fuck does an angel just get in ones house and speak????

But what ███████ didn't know. Is that this figure was just trying to manipulate them.

"My name is Gabriel. Your savior. My dear Shepherd. You have been feeling bad lately. I know it. What is on your mind?" Gabriel spoke in a sweet tone. That managed to perfectly hide that he was just trying to gain ███████'s trust.

"I..." ███████ spoke, before trailing off. Clearly not wanting to speak about it.

"I see. You don't have to talk about it my dear Shepherd. I just need you to know that i am here to save you." Gabriel spoke in a sweet and soft tone as he placed a hand on ███████'s shoulder.

His hands were cold. And ███████ knew it. They knew something was going on. They knew Gabriel might have not been what he claimed to be. But they didn't care. They were so caught up in the horrors of the Mandela county that they will take any kind of comfort. Any.

███████ then just went and hugged Gabriel. Seeming unfazed by all of the manipulation that Gabriel was trying to pull off.

~[GaBrIeL's PoV]~

As i felt them hug me i was taken aback for good 5 minutes. They just hugged me out of nowhere? What in the name of everything that is unholy??

"My dear Shepherd, are you okay?" I asked as i looked down at ███████. To be honest. I felt kinda bad, i don't know what was up with me this night. But whatever it was. It was fate.

~[BaCk To ThIrTh PoV]~

███████ didn't respond. Only clinged onto Gabriel. And finally, Gabriel hugged back.

"Huh...this feels...nice." Gabriel though as he rested his arms on ███████'s shoulders.

"Dear Shepherd.."


Yeah this was cringy asf i don't know what came over me when i wrote this.

Anyways as always i hope ya'll drank some water and ate something bye~

Word count: 802

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