| A friend to die for | Adam x m!reader PART 2 🕸

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This idea was given to me by my new found bestie sana43fvsdh.
I hope you like it becuase i am not good at writing only angst

-angst ( ofcourse )
-HEAVY curssing
-my bad grammar
-Adam being an alternate
-gun shots
-Mentions of su!c!de (only as a refrence)

Hope yall like it so lets start, shall we?

~[3th person pov]~

Y/n has been worried ever since he hasn't heard from their dear friend Adam, he was lossing hope of ever finding Adam, blaming himself for Adams dissapearence...

"Maybe if i just warned him enough times, if i just tried hard enough he would have listened and i wont be in this situation..."

No Y/n, you would still be in this same position as you are now if you did...

But deep down Y/n knew it was hopeless to blame himself... just like it was hopeless of finding Adam or Jonah...

But Y/n still kept searching, praying to whoever heard his prayers that they will give him a sign that Adam was alive.

Weeks turned into mounths and Y/ns hope was slowly dying out...

Until he finally gave up...


As Y/n was watching his favourite show, ████████. He heard footsteps near his front door...

"What the f#ck is that coming from?" Y/n though as he got up from his seat and went to check who or what was infront of the front door...

When he checked... there was no-one.

Y/n grew worried as the though of it being an alternate shook him to his very soul.

Y/n became paranoid but still kept his cool, he slowly went into his basement to find his gun to protect himself if it really was an alternate..

As Y/n went downstairs to get it he began to hear those same footsteps.

At this point Y/n was certain it was an alternate so he had to get that damned gun.

Soon enough, Y/n found it and began to go back to the main floor of his house.

Soon the footsteps that Y/n heard were gone, and Y/n felt fear and relief at the same time.

When Y/n got to the living room, he wanted to continue watching ████████.

But when he got to the living room, the room was darker then before, it was cold, and static could be heard...

Y/n checked his TV to see the screen full of static and the noise that followed the static, it was loud and annoying, but also...unnerving?

Y/n wasn't sure, but he kept his guard up and held his gun anyway.

"Something isn't right, something is here i just know it." Y/n though as the fight or flight instinct was starting to kick in. He was scared but he didn't even know what he was scared of, he didn't even know what was in his living room... or was it in his living room?

Y/n didn't like it one bit....he didn't like it at all. His fight our flight instincts kicked in and Y/n chose flight.

Y/n ran like there was no tomorrow, he ran to his room, locking it and shoving something infront of it so whatever was there couldn't get it.

Y/n heard footsteps to his room, he saw the door handle moving despreatly and fast, someone or something was trying to get it.

Y/n started to hear loud static and with that static soon followed despreat knocking at the door.

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