| You are a sleeptalker | 💚

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Lets just pretend they are somehow wide awake in the middle of the night. Hell, some of them might be watching you sleep.

Alyways im sorry for being dead, but i am busy as f#ck and tests and sh!t.

Lets begin.



-He will literaly respond to everything you say, even if you can't hear it. Like:

"What do you mean by Elmo commited tax evasion??"

-Will try to not wake you up even if he is giggling like a f#cking idiot.


-Will probably pay no mind to it, but every so often you will speak about him in your sleep and its either something sweet or something rude, so get ready to see Cesar glaring at you for the rest of the day if you said something mean.


-Will probably record you sleeptalk just so he can make fun of you in the morning. If he does start teasing you just tell him he is parentless, that will get him to shut up 😒


-Will pretend as if you are gossiping, so if you said anything about anyone he will go:

"No. Way. Candice is gay?"


-Will very much ignore it, knowing you are probably saying non-sense she just thinks of it as you talking without any filter.


-Will listen to you non-stop, and will likely take notes on what you say about his co-workers so he has some info on them for better combacks in case of an argument.

Alt! Cesar:

-Will likely tease you about it in the morning, or hell, he might even talk to you during your sleep, just repeating:

"Nothing is worth the risk. Nothing is worth the risk. Nothing is worth the risk."

-And if you somehow wake up and see him inches away from your face and repeating that he will likely blush like insane and fall of the bed. (Thats what you get 😒)


-She is the one watching you sleep.

-Will likely find it funny how you sometimes can say non-sense.


-100% will take notes on anything you say, hell, there might be some personal info about you in his notes.


-Also will record you sleep, but not to tease you, just some video to make him giggle when he is feeling down.


-Will probably also watch you sleep. And will be very offended if you said anything rude about him in your sleep.


-Will just make sure if you are okay and will giggle every so often by what you say. He just cares about you.


Sorry again for being dead, and for all of you who requested, i will get to them, i just need to write something to let you all know i am alive.

As always i hope yall had a nice day and that yall drank some water and ate something, bye.

Word count: 489

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