| What a night | Toonbriel x f!reader 💖

994 21 13

Request: yaaaaqq11

Sorry if this is published later its chaos in school ;-;.

Y/n = your name
F/b = favourite book
F/d = favourite drink
Y/c = your clothing

-none just toony :D

Anyways lets start this cringy-@ss oneshot.

~[Y/ns PoV]~

As i was sitting outside my house reading F/b i saw a bright star.

"Huh its very pretty!...Wait a damn minute it's noon! How the hell is a star glowing at no-". And before i could finish my though Toonbriel flew right into the wall.

"Yo Toonbriel, you hurt?" I said as i looked at Toonbriel, trying my hardest not to luagh.

"God i suck at landing. Anyways i suppose not. I mean we will find out later if i am hurt or not but anyways. How have you been?" Toonbriel asked directing the topic onto me.

"Okay i assume, these days have been hard to deal with lately for some unknown reasons." I said looking away from my book and back to Toobriel.

"Well as long as you are okay now i suppose everything turned out okay!" Toonbriel said with an happy voice.

"Anyhow, are you perhaps free this afternoon? I have something important to say." Toonbriel said looking nervous and scared?

"I-i suppose, ummm where to?" I asked starting to imagine the worst reason he might want to talk to me.

"The park will work." Toonbriel said looking away.

"Okay ummm at 17:30." I said looking away as well creating an akward feeling.

"Yeah ummm see you there." Toonbriel said akwardly as he left.

"Well that was akward."i say as i zone out.

~[TiMe SkIp]~

As i was sitting on the counter top of my kitchen bored out of my mind i looo at the clock. Its 17:10...

I wanted to scream so badly for forgetting about what Toonbriel told me to meet him at the park at 17:30.

"Okay, its okay...i still got time." I say as i quickly get my shoes on and get out of my house, locking it, then running.

~[ToOnBrIeLs PoV]~

I sat at one of the park beanches waitting for Y/n, people were giving me weird looks probably by how i looked, but i paid no mind to it and i start humming happly.

~[Y/nS pOv]~

I was speeding to the park at this point, i was hoping over things and probably people and i was panicing inside.

~[ToOnBrIeLs PoV]~

I was humming as i looked at the watch to see what time it is, it was 17:20.

"Y/n probably wants to be exactly at 17:30, no bigy." I though as i continue to hum.

~[Y/nS pOv]~

I could finally see the park, it was only lit by street lamps since night fell. I stoped for a second to take a breath and to clean my sweat off from all of that running.

I calmy walk into the park and start looking for Toonbriel. After some time i finally found him. He looks happy to see me.

"Y/n you made it! I am so glad you could come!" Toonbriel says, happy to see his best friend.

"I am, so sorry if i was late. I zoned out and forgot the time." I felt sorry for being late.

"Oh dont worry! It happens to all of us! And, you weren't late, you were 1 minute early! See!" I knew Toonbriel was trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah, i guess i am not late." I was relvead i wasn't late.

"Anyways, ummm, what was so important that you asked me to come here?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.

Toonbriel still held that small, inncoent smile he always had and said "follow me, i will tell you when we get there." He sounded kinda nervous. I started to worry it was something bad, but i kept my calm face and followed him.

~[A lItTeL sKiP tImE Bc I aM lAzY]~

As we reached the place i looked around to see how it looked like.

It was a small place surrounded by trees, only the moon and the lamps were our source of light, there was a small lake with a small brige that crossed the lake. We sat at one of the beanches on the brige and kept silent for a bit, it wasnt alward, just peacefull silence.

It was silent until Toonbriel broke the silence and spoke:

"Y/n, i was meaning to tell you this for a quiet a while now, but i didn't have the words to say it...

"Y/n, these feelings have been bugging me for a quiet a while now and, when i first felt it, i was confused, i wasn't sure if it was something plotonic or something simular to that, but...." Toonbriel took a break, looking at the night sky.

It was somewhat clodly but you still could see the moon, in fact, this night it was the full moon, the stars decorated the sky perfectly and it all looked like right out of a fairy tale.

"Heh, i didn't know this would be so complocated to say, you would expect the right hand man of god to be able to say the right thing without any difficulties, but i suppose that isn't always the case....

"What i am trying to say is that... i love you... i cherish you like a holy being, you mean everything to me Y/n. You don't know how happy i was to be able to make an actual friendship with a human, and i still am..." Toonbriel said seeming nervous, but he continued.

"I hope the light at the end of the tunnel holds a silhouette of you, for there is no heaven worth living, with your embrace." Toonbriel said as he looked at me with those eyes that just make the world a brighter place.

I smiled and came closer to him, and hugged him.

"I love you too." I wispered as i felt like i didn't have a care in the world.

I can feel Toonbriel holding me thighter in the embrace, and i felt tears roll on my shoulder, i just let it be and kept hugging him, not letting go.



anyways i am SO sorry for the sudden death but school is the main problem so go blame school 😐.

Anyways i hope yall drank some water and ate something bye~ 😌💅

World count: 1090

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