| Another Monday | Jonah x m!reader 💖

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Requested by: cheesemaan

Thanks again for requesting man!



-Slight cursing (only a little)
-my bad grammar 😱

Anways, lets start shall we?

~[ThIrTh pErSoN pOv]~

It was a cloudy day at Mandela county. Mothing special happening. There weren't a lot of alternates, so the county could take a mini breal before it all starts getting worse.

And in one of those days there was Y/n. Working at a cafe. They were serving peoples coffees and taking orders.

Once the door bell rang, signalling another person walked in the cafe. Y/n looked to see their friend Jonah!

"Hey Jonah! My guy! How you feeling?" Y/n spoke as Jonah came closer to the countertop and gave him a handshake.

"Im good dude. Hows it with ya?" Jonah responded with a smile as he placed his arms on the countertop.

"You know how it is. Work." Y/n said with a chuckle, before deciding to change the subject.

"Anways. How is your little BPS side-project going?" Y/n said. "Also, what would you like to order?"

Jonah rolled his eyes. "Can you stop calling BPS a "side project"." Jonah said, a bit annoyed at Y/n. "Anyways, i would like the caramel coffee and a crossant." Jonah added, speaking a bit quetly as if what he was ordering was illegal.

Y/n chuckled. "Whatever you say." Y/n added before going to make Jonahs order.

As Y/n made Jonahs coffee, Jonah looked around, a bit paranoid. He began to tap his foot on the floor as he waited for his order, although he didn't have a lot of patcience.

Once Y/n made Jonah what he asked for, Jonah drank the coffee in what seemed in one sip. "Anways uhhh. When is your shift ending? I got some things to say to you." Jonah asked as he turned to look at Y/n.

"In a few minutes, you can wait outside." Y/n said as he looked at the clock and then back at Jonah.

"Okay. I will be waitting." Jonah said to Y/n then went outside.

~[AfTeR tHoSe MinUtEs]~

Y/n, finished his shift, went into the backroom and change back into his normal clothes. Once he was done he exited the cafe and went to see Jonah. Jonah was looking at his phone before glancing at Y/n. "Hey." Jonah said with a smile as he waved to Y/n.

Y/n waved back and then came to Jonah. "Hey. So. There was something you wanted to tell me?" Y/n said as he and Jonah then started to walk along the road.

"Yeah. Well. Me and Adam got a call from some lady with a ghost cat." Jonah said as he looked around a bit, glancing behind himself before turning back to look at Y/n.

"I see." Y/n responded. Thinking about it deeply.

"How much did the woman offer you?" Y/n added as he looked at Jonah.

"400 a night." Jonah replied with a smile on his face.

"Oh. That seems a bit too good to be true." Y/n said a bit quietly.

"Whatever pays it. Anways. Me and Adam have to go. See you when i am done with thay ghost cat!" Jonah said with a smile on his face before going around amd leaving Y/n behind.

Y/n waved before his smile faded. "Jonah. You change your name, or change your mind. And leave this f#cked up place behind. But, I"ll know.." Y/n though as he then started to walk to his apartment, letting the cold air cool him off as he watched the cloudy sky as the clouds moved around and about.

This was the last time Y/n saw Jonah...


Wow. That was kinda short. Im sorry for that, couldnt think of anything more. Sorry again. But as always, i hope ya'll drank some water and ate something. Bye~ 🙃💅

Word count: 666

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