They find out you work as an actor 💚

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(This is random i know but who cares)


-This man would be over the moon about it.

-Would constantly ask you how you act so good.

-Might not trust you with a lot of things because he knows actors are good liers.

-If you got a role and needed to practice this man would be open to help you no matter what (i mean no matter what...he chould be dying and if you called him and said you needed his help he would get up and go to your house even tho he is dying ).

-He would ask you if you could maybe help him with lying bc he aint good at it.


-Would ask you if you can somehow help him get the job of an actor.

-Would be overjoyed if you would help him.

-Constanty brags to his friends and mother about you.

-This man is gonna devote his time and energy to you.

-Would be asending if you made a slight hint oh him when you are acting.


-He would ask how you came to this point in your life.

-Would full on interwe you.

-Just like Cesar he would barg about you.

-If you ever told him you got the main characters love intrest role he would be happy, yet would be giving deadly glances at the person who got the main charater.

-Would probably punch the person who got the main role if you had to kiss them.


-Would be very proud of you.

-Would always wait for you to finish holding a bucke of flowers.

-Just like Adam and Cesar he would brag about you to his friends.

-Would be overjoyed if you let him go with you to events ( like i mean this man would be asending to heaven ).

-Would help you practice.

Gabriel ( aka Satan ):

-He knows actors are good liers so he would use you if needed to do his biting.

-And if he still wants to fake being an angel he would ask you if he chould preform with you.

-He would be very very ( and i mean very ) proud of you.

-Would be aginst the idea of you getting the role of the main charaters love intrest.

-Would wait for you to finish after every practice.

-He would be happy if you asked him to help you out.


-Would constantly ask if he chould be an actor with you.

-Would always help you with acting
By acting himself

-Would have a lot of sass when you are acting

-Just like Adam would drop-kick the person who got the main role if you two kissed.

-Would be very proud of you if you got the role of the main antagonist.
( insert evil smirk watching you win )


-This man would be all about it.

-Would be trying to understand how you got a main role
"Okay i get it you act good, but come on why can't you be the villan?!"

-Just like Mark would be open if you needed help with acting.
He chould be kidnapping a child and if you called him he would drop the child and answer your call.

-Would be barging about you.


-Would be very happy and proud of you
"You did a good job " cutely pats your head

-Would snap anyones neck if they said you act badly.

-Just like Adam and Cesar would snap someones kneecaps if you had to kiss them.


-Would be over the moon.

-He would randomly call you to see how you doing.

-Would constanty brag about you to his co-workers and friends.

-Man was aboug to drop a hole case because you called him for help.


-Would be all about it

-Would always ask you if you chould tell him how you became an actor.

-Would always record you acting so he can watch it later.

-When you finish with acting he would be there waitting with a rose and a hug.


-Be ready to be complimented every singel second.

-Just like Jonah he would be over the moon if you let him join you on events.

-Would always cheer you up if you think you act badly.

-Would scold someone when they said you act badly.


Hey i am done with a nother chapter

Quick A/n

Because Winter break is coming i will be writing way more chapters for all of you

Anyways i hope yall ate something and drank some water bye~😌💅

Word count :759

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