Story II : welcome to hawkins - Pt1.

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~Elmax story~

Before you read: In this story Eleven/Jane (16) is a normal girl without any powers. She's new in Hawkins since Jim Hopper adopted her. Max (17) was a bit of a lone wolf. She didn't really have friends, except for the few boys she'd hang out with so now and then, since she was scared for people to get to close to her. She had been hurt by too many people, so she just stayed away from them most of the time. Until...

~ Max POV ~

"Who's that?" I heard someone whispers to their friend who stood next to them. I usually didn't pay attention to anyone at school, but today I heard a lot of unwanted rumors about a weird new girl at school. I didn't like rumors. They suck and they are mostly never true. That was the case with the rumors they told about me at least. 'The weird new girl' who called someone that? Even if there was a new girl, what made her weird? People judge too quickly, I thought. I open my locker as I grab some books out of it. Seeing my skateboard locked away in my locker made me want to take it out and ride it so bad. I felt so free whenever I ride that thing. "Watch it weirdo." I hear someone behind me say as I hear a tud on the ground behind me what made me turn around. "Sorry." A girl mouthed who was now picking up her books from the ground. I put my books in my bag as I close my locker and walk up to her. I normally walk away from situations like this, but something about this situation made me want to walk up to her and help her.

"Here, let me help you. They are just being rude don't mind them." I softly say as I pick up some folders and books of the ground. On one of the folders I saw a small drawing of a realistic rose. I hadn't looked at the girl yet as I was scraping all her stuff together from the ground. "Thanks." She softly says with the most adorable voice I had heard. "No problem." I smile softly as I finally meet the girl her face. She didn't look into my eyes, as I think she was still intimidated by the others from before. The girl was gorgeous. Brown mid long hair and dark hazel eyes. "I'm Max. Are you new here?" I asks as I hand her the books and folders. "I'm Jane. Yes, I am." She mumbles nervously as she didn't look at me.

"Did you draw that?" I ask as I point to the little drawing on her folder. She nods softly with a slight blush. "Yes, but it's dumb." She chuckles as she gathers her stuff and quickly puts it in her bag. "It's not dumb, it looks so good. Do you draw often?" I ask as she finally meets my eyes. "I do. I really like drawing, more then talking. I speak through my art. It probably sounds stupid I know." Jane chuckles nervously as she looks at me. "Stop saying that. It's not stupid. I think it's cool." I smile softly. She smiles softly too. The bell rang as we had to head to class. "You should really show me some of your drawings later if you want. " I suggest as I look at her. She nods as she heads the same direction as me. "You also have literature right now?" I ask her as I look at her clamming one of her books against her. She softly nods in response. "Me too. Guess we have the same class then. Try not to let others bother you to much, they are all just jealous." I state as I walk into class. Jane nods softly as she walks after me.

I sat in my usual spot in the back of the class as Jane sat at the table next to me. She was interesting, different then all the other people at our school. I liked that. She was very pretty too. I grab my literature book as I put it up right and hide behind it. I took out my walk men and headphones as I put them on and listen to some music while staring at the pages in my book. When I look next to me after a while I saw that Jane wasn't paying attention as well. She was drawing in her notebook. I tried to see what she was drawing, but I couldn't see it, since her arm was in the way. Her head peaks up as she looks at me. When she noticed me staring I gave her a small smile and nod. She blushes instantly as her eyes shoot back on to her notebook as she quickly closes it. I look confused at her but shook it of.

Next was science, which I had with her too. I was all alone at my table, as the rest of the class had found a partner for this project we were doing. Jane was standing looking around shyly to find a partner. Everyone looked at her weird as I roll my eyes at their reactions. "Jane, you can pair with me." I suggest as I softly wave her over. She blushes softly as she nods and took a seat next to me. "Thank you." She softly mumbles as she puts her notebook and textbook on the table. "Yeah, no worries." I smile softly.

The teacher had handed us some assignments that we had to do together as me and Jane were a pretty good team. She was actually really smart. When we working together I looked over at her wrist as she had drawn the numbers 11 on it. "What does that mean?" I asks as I point at her wrist. As she was now a bit more used to me and opened up. Jane blushes slightly "oh, uh it's maybe a bit weird, but my dad, he believes in Angel numbers. And before he adopted me he kept seeing the number 11 all over the place. On clocks, on signs, cars. Everywhere. When he looked into it, he found out that the number 11 means 'It's time to take up the mantle of your life's purpose and protect and support others.'and when he found out I was in a rough situation, and saw all those 11's he saw it as a sign, that he had to protect and support me. So i write it on my arm as a reminder." Jane explains as she looks down at her wrist. I look in awe at her as I thought that was beautiful and adorable at the same time. "That's so cool. I like that a lot. Eleven. I'm going to call you El from now on. That will be my nickname for you. Is that okay?" I ask with a grin. Jane smiles brightly as she nods. "I like that a lot." She smiles. "Good, now let's finish this task, El." I wink as I focus back on the task together with El. But, I felt this tingling feeling inside of me, every time I looked up at her. Was I catching feelings for the new girl? I tried to shake it off as I didn't want to come close to anyone anymore, but this- this felt different.

//AN: a small chapter, since I didn't have much time today, but I still wanted to feed my hungry children with a chapter ;)

Next part will be longer, promise! Still hope you liked it!

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