Story V: summer job - Pt1.

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~ Elmax story ~

Before you read: Max (16) and Jane (15) haven't met before. Jane doesn't have powers in this story. Max has been working at the Cinema for a little while and today there was going to be a new girl working here as well. Max was the one in charge to show her around and show her how things are done around here. Little did they know they would fall for each other. Hard.

~ Max POV ~

It was the first week of summer vacation and I was working most days at my old summer job at the cinema. I had worked here a year prior and it was a pretty fun job, so I decided to come back for this summer as well. It paid pretty well and I could often sneak into a movie. Which wasn't really allowed, but I did it anyway. I also often saw friends from school who were going to the movies and I'd talk and hang out with them in my work hours. So it was a pretty chill job I'd say.

Today I was working the afternoon shift, which were usually my favorite. Since my shift always ended near the end of closing time and I usually snuck into the last movie that was playing if I got the chance too.

I was refilling the soda cups as my boss came walking up to me. Shit. Did I get caught sneaking into a movie? Was I in trouble? That would totally suck, because I kinda liked this job and didn't want to lose it. Since I didn't want to work at a boring clothing store or something. "There you are Max. Listen, I have an important task for you." He began as be looks at me while I refill the cups. Okay so I didn't get caught. Sick. "Yeah what is it?" I ask as I turn to face him. "We have a new colleague here today. She's a year younger then you. I'm a bit busy with work in my office, so I want to ask you to show her around and show her how things are done here. Teach her the basics and things like that.  I'll put Megan and Sam at the ticket sale and the food corner, so you can show her around and do your thing alright?" He smiles as I look at him with a grin. "Sure thing boss." I reply with a nod. He really must trust me with this new girl. I wasn't really looking forward to it, but at least I could do whatever I want and don't have to sell tickets and such. I just hoped this girl wasn't as annoying and bitchy as Megan. She was so bratty, sometimes I wish I could just shove her head in the popcorn buckets so she would shut up for once. Talking and gossiping about others all the fucking time. It was honestly tiring.

"When does this new girl arrive?" I ask as I meet my bossy his eyes. "She should be here soon. I told her to meet me at the front, so maybe she's already here. You should go check. I'll be in my office if you need me. She has brown hair and her name is Jane." My boss tells me as he nods at me. "Okay, I'll go check." I nod as I smile at him. He really trusted me too much, but as long as this Jane wasn't as annoying as Megan, I'd already be  happy. "Thanks Max. Again if you need me, I'll be in my office." He states as he turns around and walks off. I sigh softly as I walk up to the front of the cinema as I look around the small crowd of people if I saw a girl around my age with brown hair. I didn't yet. So I just waited at the front at the ticket sale as Megan was selling tickets and was already talking to me about how annoying some customers were. I didn't really pay attention to her story as we suddenly got interrupted by a voice.

"Excuse me, I was supposed to meet Mr Parison here for my first day. Could you tell me where I can find him?" I turn to look at the face of this new girl and got greeted by her brown hair. As my eyes travel over her face and meet her eyes. Holy shit. I think I've never seen a more beautiful pair of eyes in my lifetime. Her face looked soft as her cheeks had a light rosy color on them. I couldn't help, but get lost in those pools of honey I saw in her eyes as she showed me the most beautiful smile as she met my eyes. Her rosy cheeks turning a deeper color at the same time. I totally forgot to speak as I looked deep into her eyes. I lightly shook my head out of it as I got back to my senses. Was this the new girl my bossy was talking about? If so, I wouldn't be able to concentrate at all anymore when she was around. Looking at her already took my breath away.

"Jane?" I ask as I gulp slightly. "Yes, that's me." She replies with the sweetest voice. "I'm Max. Mr Parison, my boss, told me I'd be showing you around today and show you how things work around here. Is that okay with you?" I ask kindly as she smiles at me with a soft blush on her cheeks. "Totally. Lead the way Max." She smiles as her eyes scan me. Was she checking me out? God, this girl was something else. Why didn't I see her before? She must be new in Hawkins, since I've never seen her around or at school.

"Well, right here we sell the tickets. Obviously. As you can see. But that's something you won't have to learn yet, so no worries." I explain as I look at Jane who nods. "Understood." She chuckles softly. Shit, even her chuckle is cute. Max focus, now is not the time to flirt. Or was this the perfect time?

"Common, I'll show you the rest inside." I suggest as we walk inside together. "To be honest I'm not the best person they could have asked for this." I chuckle as I look at Jane. She smiles as she looks back at me with her beautiful doe shaped eyes. "And why is that Max?" She asks with a slight smirk painted on her lips. Did she say my name like that on purpose? Because, how she says my name makes me weak in my knees. "I'm not the most serious person here, I mostly just have fun. And if I knew I'd be showing someone like you around, I'd at least made sure to look good." I smirk as I meet her eyes. Her eyes focus on mine as she smiles. "Someone like me?" She asks softly. "Yes, a sweet and gorgeous girl. I've never seen one being both." I playfully wink at her. She blushes slightly as her eyes scan my face. " and you already look- very good. So I'm curious to see how you can look even better." She smirks softly as it was my turn to blush. I had the feeling she was definitely flirting back. Or maybe she was just being nice. Either way, I was falling for this girl- hard.

"Let me show you around and after we can pick up your uniform and then I can show you how we work around here. Sounds good?" I suggest as I meet her eyes once again. "Sounds good blue eyes." She smiles at me. "Already gave me a nickname huh? I'll come up with one for you as well today. Since I like to keep it fun in here." I chuckle slightly. "It's either blue eyes or red, you choose Max." She giggles softly. "You can call me whatever you want." I wink as I lead her to the food corner. Jane blushes slightly as she follows me around.

"Now let me start by showing you around-"


// AN: SURPRISE ANOTHER CHAPTER. This short is a collaboration with one of my sweetest children I am writing pt 1 and 3 and they'll be writing pt2! Make sure to check them out for more shorts as well!

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