Story VI: mastermind - Pt1.

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~ Sillie story ~

Before you read: Millie and Sadie haven't met before. They were both invited to a party of a mutual friend. That's where they first meet. They are both still actors.

~ Millie Bobby Brown POV ~

"I'm on my way Noah. You better don't have a cake yet, since I got you one myself." I say into my phone with a chuckle as I sat in the car with Noah, my best friend, on speaker phone. I was driving to him right now, since it was his birthday and he was having a party with lots of friends and family. Noah has been my best friend since we were just 11 and worked on a show together. "Millaaayyy, I told you didn't have to do that." Noah chuckles through the phone. "Well, I did and you better like it." I say jokingly as I hear Noah laugh through the phone. I drove to Noah myself, since It was still early, my team would come later to get me ready for the party, but I wanted to hang out with Noah a little bit first. So I hope I don't get recognized on the way there. "You better like it." He mimics me in a bad british accent to make fun of mine. "Noah! That's so rude, now you won't get any cake." I chuckle as I took a turn on the road. "I'm joking! I'm sure I'll love it Mills." He laughs. I join in laughing as this has always been our kind of humour.

"I know you will. Now shut up and open the door, I'm almost there." I chuckle as I park the car in a parking spot near the venue where he held his party. "Alright, be right there." Noah almost yells through the phone as I could hear him walking and opening doors through the phone. It made me chuckle as I got out my car. The cake I ordered for Noah was going to be delivered by someone from my team later today, since I knew, if I drove with a cake in my car all alone, it would end in a disaster. I wore a comfortable outfit for now, since I was planning on wearing a less comfortable dress tonight for the party. My team would bring it and get me all glammed up at the same time as Noah. Well- Maybe a little earlier since, you know I need to get my makeup and hair done and my dress and- you get it. Noah met me at the door as he wore something casual as well. "There is the birthday boy!" I cheer as I walk up to him with open arms. "Mills! There you are, I missed you." He smiles as he opened his arms for a hug. "You just spoke to me on the phone, you mummet." I chuckle as I must admit I missed him a lot too. It's been a few days since we had actually SEEN each other, but we call almost everyday. We embrace as he rubs my back slightly. "Come in, I'll show you around. It's a bit bigger then I thought, but there will be quite a lot of people. So I guess it's a good thing." Noah explains as he pulls away from the hug. "Hey, it's your 18th birthday! You should go all out." I grin as I meet his eyes. He smiles in return as he grabs my arm gently and pulls me along.

After he showed me around and ate some lunch together as we hung out a bit, my team arrived for me to get ready. Noah went with me as they did my hair and Make-up. We talked while they did it, since it would be very boring if we didn't. "So who's going to be here?" I ask him as my make up artist was working on my face. "Too many people to name." He chuckles as he stares at his phone, getting texts from probably the guests. "Some people I know?" I ask as I look at my phone as well for just a second, to check when the cake would arrive. "Plenty you know Mills." Noah smiles as he looks up at me. "Some people will take their family or friends with them too, so I don't know all of them either, but it will be fun!" Noah cheers as he looks at my face as my make up artist was almost finished.  "For sure! But you can't see my outfit yet, so you need to go now. BYE NOAH!" I chuckle as I wave him off. "I need to get ready too so it's fine! You already look stunning though! You don't need anything for that." Noah smiles as he walks of. "Shut up you. Thanks Noah." I tell him before he got out of the room. I look in the mirror as I smile. "Looks great. Thank you." I thank my stylist as I get ready to get into my dress.

I was fully ready as I make my way to the main room. I saw Noah now in his suit talking to probably one of his friends that just arrived. My getting ready took a little longer then expected so guests were already coming in. "I thought I was early for the party, turns out I'm actually late now." I chuckle as I walk up to Noah. His eyes instantly scan me as he stopped talking to his other friend. "Millie oh my god, you look incredible." He smiles brightly as he held my hand and twirls me around. "oh my god thanks Noah, you look so handsome yourself." I smile as I look at him. "Thanks Mills." He smiles. "Is this your girlfriend Noah?" His friend asks as he looks at me. Me and Noah both burst out laughing. Altho we sometimes do look like a couple, we are purely best friends. Besides, I was not straight- but only few people knew that about me. "No we are not, we are best friends actually." I smile at Noah his friend as he nods. "Oh sorry my mistake, you two seem really close." He smiles as he took a sip of his drink. "We are. But not like that. Altho he wants too." I joke as I point at Noah. "No I don't what are you-" He chuckles as he gave me a slight push. "Kidding. I'm kidding." I laugh as I stick my tongue out at him. He shook his head with a chuckle as he looks over at the bar. "Want something to drink Mills? Before there will be a whole crowd." Noah explains as he walks to the bar. I nod. "Yes please, I'm actually very thirsty." I say as I walk with Noah to the bar as the friends follows along.

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