Story V: summer job - Pt2.

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~ written by @elmaxobsessed~

~ Jane/Eleven POV ~

"Now let me start by showing you around-" the girl in front of me slipped causing me to chuckle and blush slightly. "Did you not see the sign, red?" I was gesturing to the wet floor sign a toothy grin on my face. "Maybe I did and I chose not to listen!" Max joked with a small smirk as she pushed herself off of the damp tiled floor. She brushed herself off and kept walking around yet at a slower pace this time. 

Max turned a small corner and I trailed after her, the ginger pointed at a tallish red machine which held popcorn. "This is where we make all of our popcorn-, if you couldn't tell!" She said enthusiasm clear in her gentle yet raspy voice. She started to work with the machine, "So tell me a little about yourself!" My co-worker spoke with a somewhat childish wonder. "Okay so well, I just recently moved here with my adoptive family, from California which was actually a pretty short drive! Apparently my new parents have zero idea where my real ones are and that's why Hopper- or well Jim decided to adopt me when I was younger, like two or three ago I think? Anyway! And then we became really close and all that. Now I have a mom and two brothers now! One my age and the other is 20! But I'm so happy to be in their family!" I explained with a excited shine in my eyes and a bright smile. "Oh wow-" she looked kind of shocked but that soon faded into a small smile. Max had already stopped playing with the medium sized piece of machinery. "I-I mean that's great! I'm glad you're happy with them dear," she smiled looking at me. "I kind of miss it though, you know? I mean I grew up their! But Hopper and Joyce grew up here and they thought it was for the best!" I said, still kind of excited. 

Max had reached over to put her grasp on a cardboard popcorn bucket, which was right next to her. I watch in curiously as she held the bucket against her by the machine, opening it and scooping some into the cardboard container. "What're you doing?" I asked, curiosity tainting my voice. "You'll see," she spoke with a suggestive smirk as she salted the treat. "Follow me," the ginger started walking with me following close behind. We were heading down a dimly lit corridor that had a bunch of doors, which were numbered. Max stopped at door eleven a smirk still on her face as she opened it, gesturing for me to walk through. I obliged and walking into the dark room, waiting for her to walk through it as well. She walked into the doorway and was now shutting the door behind her very carefully which made the room even darker, she stepped forward holding the bucket which was filled with popcorn close to her chest with one hand and grabbing mine with her free one. Thank goodness for the lack of light, I thought blush creeping onto my facial structure. She dragged me behind her, well technically she walked and I hardly moved at all. Max turned a corner, still dragging me behind her as she held my hand tightly. 


//AN: I loved collabing with this sweetheart, they did amazing! Make sure to send some love their way and to stick around here too! Since I'll be writing part 3 soon! Love you all! <3

Sorry for the lack of posts since I have a very busy week, but I'll try my best to post soon <3

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