Story IV: love story - Pt1.

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~ Elmax story ~

1984 (Season 2)

The monsters were gone and the gate was closed. Jane, best known as Eleven, a brunette with mind powers made sure of that with her adoptive father Jim Hopper. With help of the party. Peace was restored in Hawkins Indiana, for now.

Eleven her only friends, Will, Lucas, Mike and Dustin, made a new friend who just moved to hawkins, while Eleven was off on her own adventure to find answers on some unanswered questions, just before she came back to safe the day. El had the chance to meet her for real this time, since she only caught a glimpse of her, before she had to go and safe Hawkins.

It was a ginger haired girl, named Max Mayfield. Max heard a lot about Eleven, but finally got to meet the real deal after she closed a monsterous gate. The party kept bragging about her, which was rightfully so. Max was mesmerized by the brunette her strength. Not only her mind powers, but also the inner strength the girl must have to go through all of this.

The brunette was intrigued by the ginger as she never had met anyone like her. She liked that she now had a friend her age, who was also a girl. Altho they both felt a strange feeling inside. One they never felt before, when they were together. They couldn't really explain it and they were both too afraid to address it. They got to know each other over the past weeks as the snowball was nearing.

The snowball, the annual Hawkins Middle winter dance, was tonight. Hopper, Eleven's legal dad, told his daughter that she could go to the snowball. To have a fun day with her friends outside the cabin, instead of being locked away from the world. Eleven was excited to see her friends again and to be out of the cabin for once. But she was most excited to see Max again. Although she told no one that. She dressed up in a dress Hopper had bought for her as Joyce, the mother of Will, did her hair and made sure she looked pretty for the ball.

Max got dressed by her mother, who made her wear things she didn't really want to wear since it was too girly or too classy. But she just let it happen, since she didn't want her mom to take any longer on her. She was way too excited to be able to hang out with Eleven somewhere else besides the cabin. Max already was at school with the boys as they were enjoying some drinks and were talking about how they would beat each others highscore next time they would go to the arcade. That's when Eleven entered the school. No one seemed to look up when the brunette walk into the school, except the party. They had never seen El like this before.

Eleven walked inside as she saw the lights reflecting off of the discoball. Kids all dressed up as eleven's eyes sparkled of excitement. The music that was playing was loud as the brunette looked around the ballroom, which was actually the schools gymnasium. Her eyes landed on the ginger haired girl who made her way through the crowd to meet her at the entrance. "Hello." she smiles sweetly as she met Eleven's eyes. "Hi." the nervous El replied as she had never done anything like this before. She also felt like her stomach was twisted into a not whenever she saw Max. She became more nervous around her for some reason and tonight it was even worse, since El thought Max looked super pretty.

"You look beautiful El." Max points out as the ginger thought El looked stunning, but not only tonight. But she was too scared to admit that. "Want to join me and the party over there? They are all dancing." Max asks her slightly nervous as she met her hazel brown eyes with her ocean blue once. El softly nods as she follows Max over to the boys. They all greeted her, but once a slow song came on they all disappear to either dance with a girl or flee to the drinks. The brunette looks around as she saw everyone dancing. Meeting Max's eyes again after. "Would you like to dance?" Max asks nervously as she held out her hand. El looks nervous at the hand of the ginger haired girl. "I don't know how." She admits as she nervously shifts in place, but she took her hand anyway. "I don't know either, but it shouldn't be that hard. Want to figure it out together?" Max asks her as they interlock hands. Eleven nods softly as she follows the lead of the red head.

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