Strory III: trick or treat - Pt2.

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~ Elmax story ~

~ Eleven POV ~

I was looking at scary movie which was playing on the tv. I was home alone since Hopper was working late today. I wasn't really paying attention to the tv since I had already seen everything what was playing a few times, since I had nothing else to do in this cabin besides watch tv. I know Hopper means it well, that I have to stay safe and all, but I just wanted to go outside and go trick or treating with the other kids. I saw it on tv many times and it looked like so much fun. But I wasn't allowed to go. Besides, I didn't have anyone to go trick or treating with anyway.

I was pretty much locked away in this cabin in the forest where no one ever came. I even made a costume for Halloween, I cut out some eyes in a old sheet and made a ghost out of it. I was pretty proud of it. And if I would wear it, no one would see me. I even showed it to Hopper, my costume, but he still wouldn't let me go.

I was just switching through channels with my mind, till I suddenly heard noises come from outside. And it didn't sounds like squirrels this time. My eyes slightly widen as I switch of the tv and focus on the sound. It sounded like voice. What was I supposed to do? Just stay here? What if it were the bad man? The voices came closer as I was listening at the door. No, it didn't sound like men. It sounded more like- kids. I kept listening as one of the voices came closer. So close that I could hear it through the door perfectly. "Oh shut up Lucas there is nothing to be scared off." I hear the voice say as soon after the alarm me and Hopper build went off. It scared me, since it was a loud sound. But it also scared the kids, since I heard them cursing and running away. I was getting curious and I wanted to see if they were still here, so I decided to peek through the window. I saw two figures running away fast, but the third one slowed down and even stopped to look back. I meet their eyes as I saw they were carrying a knife and candy. I quickly disappear behind the blinds again as I hoped they didn't see me.

I walk over to my ghost costume as I put it on, since seeing them dressed up made me want to do it too. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door. I stand still in the middle of the room with my ghost costume on as I didn't know what to do. Should I hide? Was this the figure who stared at me from outside? I hide around the corner as I focus on the door. There was a knock again. "trick or treat." The voice said. They were trick or treating. Maybe they could teach me how too? If I couldn't go outside, I'd let them come to me. I use my powers to open the locks on the door and swing the door open. I hide behind the corner as I hear the figure call out. Once they stepped inside I shut the door with my mind and swing the knife out of her hand with my powers, since I didn't know if they meant harm or not. They mumble something as I slowly walk up to them in my costume. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" They shout as I came closer. "Trick or treat." I simply say as I meet their eyes. Now that I could see the figure better, I saw it was a girl, with pretty blue eyes and wavy ginger hair. "holy shit! that's not how it works, but sure you can have all my candy." The girl nervously states as she puts down her pumpkin bucket full of candy on the ground. "What are you doing here?" I ask as I look at her and came closer. "I was trick or treating. And I thought someone was stuck here and- It was stupid I'm sorry." She rambles. "You have a knife." I point out as I point to it on the ground. "It's fake! It's just a Halloween costume." She explains as she meets my eyes. I smile, altho she didn't see that since I was still wearing my costume. I pick up her candy bucket and hand it back to her. "Is trick or treat not how it works? How does it work?" I ask as I didn't quite understand it yet. And I wanted to learn. She looks at me a bit confused. "I'll answer all your questions and help you, but can I first know who you are? It's weird and creepy to be talking to a ghost who literally threw my knife on the floor and closed the door without touching it." She explains. I hesitate a moment, but she looked harmless and around my age. And I wanted nothing more to have a friend. She looked really pretty too. I took off my costume as I meet her eyes again.

"I'm Eleven. Who are you?" I ask as I step closer to the girl. "Eleven? Like the number?" She asks confused. I roll up my sleeve as I show her my tattoo. "Oh shit- okay you're serious . Well I'm Max. Nice to meet you El. Can I call you El?" She asks as she was still a little nervous. I nod as I scan her body. "I like your costume, Max." I say softly with a soft smile. She smiles too. "Thanks, It's Michael Myers. Have you seen the movie?" She asks me excitingly. I shook my head as look at her. "Really? Oh, well you should really watch it, it's so good!" Max says excitingly. I giggle slightly by the excited girl, as she was just nervous a moment ago. "Can you teach me how to trick or treat?" I ask slightly nervous as she probably didn't understand this whole situation. "You've never done it before?" She asks me as she meets my eyes. I shook my head slightly. "Oh- alright, well I can take you outside and-" Max began as she points to the door. "No. I can't go outside. It's not safe." I explain slightly more stern. She looks at me slightly worried as she walks up to me. 

"Okay, so like can you please explain me why you are locked up in a cabin in the middle of the woods, all alone. You have NEVER been trick or treating and have never seen the Halloween movies. You have like 12 locks on the door, things are moving on it's own AND you can't leave. What is going on?" Max asks worried as she looks at me. "I am not supposed to tell anyone." I state as I sat down on the couch. Max took the mask of her head as she lays it down and took a seat next to me. "Well, I have no where better to be since I was bored anyway. What about you tell me your story and I will teach you how to trick or treat, inside? Sounds like a deal?" Max suggests with a smile. "Are you sure?" I ask excitingly, but also slightly nervous since I was scared what she might think of me when she knew the truth. 

"Yes! You seem cool and you're very- uh yeah you just seem very nice." Max blushes slightly as she looks at me. "But, before I stay, you aren't like kidnapped or a serial killer are you?" Max asks with a slight chuckle. "A cereal killer?! Is that someone who kills cereal?" I ask confused. Max bursts out laughing. "No you dummy, a serial killer is someone who kills a lot of people." She explains laughing. I laugh too. "Oh, I get it. I don't know if I am. How many people do you have to kill before becoming one?" I ask seriously. She looks at me as I was joking. "Uh, I don't know like more then three I guess." She chuckles. "Then I am a serial killer." I state as I look at her seriously. "Right- you are starting to freak me out." Max chuckles. "I don't lie." I state. Max sits a little further away from me as she stares worried at me. "Oh, don't worry I would never hurt you. I only hurt bad people." I explain with a nod. Max her eyes grew as she shook her head. "Okay, El you better start explaining." She says with a nervous chuckle as she lightly shifts in place. I nod softly. "This night is already more eventful then a night of trick or treating. I can tell you that much." Max smiles softly. 

"Okay, But don't tell anyone alright? It is super secret." I state as I look at her, making myself ready to tell her my story. She nods as she looks at me full anticipation. There was something about her, that made me trust her. Maybe it were those pretty blue eyes. Or her wavy red hair. Or maybe the way she spoke. But I knew I could trust her.  

"I won't tell anyone. I promise." 


//AN: Here is part 2 of the Halloween short! Hope you like it so far! What should they do together for Halloween? ;)

What is your favorite horror movie? 

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