Story VI: mastermind - Pt3.

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~ Sillie story ~

Based on the song: Mastermind by Taylor Swift

~ Millie Bobby Brown POV ~

I gaze into the eyes of the red head when I take a sip of my drink. Her eyes never left mine as she did the same. I could see her cheeks turn a slight red as her eyes slowly move down to look at the glass I was resing between my lips. I smirk slightly as I down my drink. "Let's dance." I state as I put down my glass and grab her glass out her hand to put it down to. Slowly, but swiftly. Her lips curl into a smile as she grabs my hand I held out for her to lead her through the crowd to the dancefloor. I met the eyes of Noah who was also dancing, who was looking at me with the biggest smirk on his face. I raise my eyebrows in responds with a smile as I slowly let go of Sadie her hand. Her eyes meet mine again as she almost looked disappointed that I let her go. But soon she wouldn't be disappointed anymore. 

The next step of my plan was to dance with her. To make her long for me, but I'll not yet give in. What will be hard for me, since I want her- really bad. But I need the tension to build. I need her to crave me so badly, that I'm the only thing on her mind for the rest of the night. 

We were just singing along to the lyrics and dancing along together, having fun. Till the perfect song came on for me to continue my plan, since the song under the influence by Chris Brown was starting to play. 

(Click play on the song above while you read this next part, you won't regret it ;)

I meet her eyes as her eyes were glued on my body. I start to dance a little slower and more sensual as her body adjusts to mine. God- it will be hard not to give in, since she looked so good dancing like that. It was now my turn to take it to the next level. I step closer to her as my body moves in sync with hers. I place my hands on her waist as I slowly turn her around, so her back was facing me. I look down to where my hands were placed as my fingers slowly brush over her waist. I couldn't help but look at her ass and my god- I needed to focus. I step closer to her till our bodies prectacly touch. I felt her ass against me what made this absolutely impossible to not give in. My whole body was just screaming, begging for her at this point. But I had to stay focused. I needed this to work out. I move our bodies to the beat of the music as hear a heavy breath leave her mouth. I smirk, since that was a sign that it was working. She turned around slowly as my hands stayed on her waist. She faces me as her eyes glide over my body and meet my eyes after. I smile as I saw the hunger grow in her eyes, so now it was my turn to turn around. I grab her hands as I place them on my waist and turn around. I slowly grind against her to the beat of the music. Her hands travel over my waist as she moves along. I make sure to really grind up against her since I noticed that, that was what made her crazy. She leaned in even closer to me as her face was now practically in my neck. "What are you doing to me, god." She whispers in my neck as I smirk in responds. 

nearing the end of the song I turn around again as our faces are inches away from each other. I lick my lips as I look at her lips and back up at her eyes. "You're a good dancer." I smirk as a tease. She seemed out of breath, but not from dancing. I had the same feeling. It felt like the air got thicker as I felt her body against mine. 

But now the last part of my plan. Remember that guy from before? James. I told him he had no chance with me, which is totally true. I have no interest in him whatsoever. But I also know men, and they never get the hint. They always try again, since they don't understand that we are serious. And I needed him to try again. You will get why in a moment. That's why I also danced with Sadie, close to him. In the corner of my eye I saw him approach me. "Hey Millie." He says as I turn to him. "Hi, you good?" I ask as I look at him, turning away from Sadie. "Yeah, I wanted to ask you to dance with me?" He asks as he bites his lip. I really wanted to laugh at him for the attempt, since he really didn't have a chance with me, but I needed this to continue my plan. "Actually, she was dancing with me." Sadie steps in as she looks at Jason. "Yeah, I saw that, but you don't mind me stealing her from you right?" he smirks as he wants to wrap his hand around me. Normally I had already said something myself or even given him a slap in his face to touch me, but I knew I didn't have to in this situation. 

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