Story III: trick or treat - Pt3.

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~ Elmax story ~

~ Max POV ~

"Wow, that's- crazy." I mumble as my mouth was open out of disbelief. Eleven told me her whole story. How she came here and about her powers and the lab. I almost didn't believe it, but it all made so much sense. All those locks on the door. The alarm and the moving objects. And also her poor vocabulary and the fact that she didn't understand a lot. It was kind of cute.

"So that is why I am stuck here." She explains as she meets my eyes. "Thank you for telling me El." I smile as I look at her. She smiles and nod. "So you can really move things with your mind? That's so cool." I admit as I get off the couch. She nods again as she follows me with her eyes. "So you're basically a superhero. Like Wonder Woman." I state as I look at El, who looked confused at me. "Wonder woman?" She asks me as she didn't understand. "Oh right, I'll show you some of her comics next time! She's so cool." I smile as I walk up to her again. Her smile beams as she meets my eyes again. "Next time?" She smiles. "Yes! I'll come visit you again with some comics next time, if you want Ofcourse." I suggest. She nods her head excitingly. "Yes. I like that a lot." She states. I smile in return as I pull her off the couch.

"Common, you told me your story, so now I'll teach you have to trick or treat." I say as I lead her to the middle of the living room. "But I can't go outside." She states as she looks at me confused. "We won't have to go outside. We'll do it right here. Now no more questions and put on your costume." I explain with a grin. I had a plan in mind to make it a real trick or treat experience.  "Okay." She smile as she put on her costume. "I made it dirty with my blood." She points out to the bloody nose stain on the sheet. "That makes it even scarier! It looks great El." I smile as I look at her. She smiles as she puts it over her head. I dumb the candies in another bowl I found on the table and hand El my pumpkin bucket. "Here, you can have this. You can collect candy in it." I explain as she took the bucket. "Are you sure?" She asks as she looks down at the bucket. "For sure. I can make you happy with it, so I want you to have it. Besides you need it to collect your candy!" I wink as I grab my mask. "Stay here." I chuckle as I grab a jacket I found, a broom and my mask as I took it into El her bedroom and made a fake person out of it, by dressing up the broom and leaning it on a chair. So it looked like it stood in front of the door. I put the bowl on the chair with the candy in it as I walk out to the living room to meet El and close the door. I grab my fake knife in one hand as I took El her hand in my other. "Come here, let's go trick or treating." I smiles as I take her on a small walk around the living room and ending at the door of her bedroom. "Now you knock on the door and we both say 'trick or treat' at the same time, alright?" I explain with a smile. "Oh and then open the door with your mind so it looks like someone else opens it." I suggest. Her little ghost face nods as I giggle. She knocks on the door as I still held her hand. "Trick or treat." We both say as she opens the door with her mind. We got greeted by the fake person I made. El chuckles softly at my attempt as we walk to the chair. "Oh you two look amazing, take all the candy you want." I say in a fake deep voice as El laughs. I chuckle as I lead El to the candy. "You can take the candy and put it in your bucket El." I explain with a smile as her eyes sparkle from excitement. "Thank you sir." El thanks the fake man with a chuckle as she grabs all the candy and puts it in her bucket. I couldn't help but stare at her. It was so endearing to see her enjoy herself like that.

"That was fun. Thank you Max." She smiles as we both now sat on the couch enjoying some candy together. "No problem El. I had a lot of fun too." I smile as I meet her eyes. Her eyes grew a little. "You aren't leaving yet, are you?!" She asks slightly panicked. I really didn't want to leave, but it was getting late. "I kind of have to. It's getting late and-" I explain as I meet the puppy eyes of Eleven. "You can not go. It is too dark and we are in the middle of the forest. Please stay. For your own safety." El explains a bit worried. "El, I will be okay, I promise." I reassure her with a soft smile as I stand up. El quickly stands up too. "But there might be bad men outside." She adds as she looks at me when I gather my things. "I'm going to be okay El. I'm tough. I have to get home before my mom gets mad." I reply as suddenly El grabs my hand, which made me face her and meet her eyes by the sudden gesture.

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