Story II : welcome to hawkins - Pt3.

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~ Elmax story ~

~ Max POV ~

The last bell rang of today. School was finished and for the first time I was excited it was done. Normally I wouldn't be happy to be finished with school, because that meant going home to my horrible stepfather. Luckily my asshole of a stepbrother was off to college somewhere else so I didn't have to deal with him. But, today I was glad school was over. I get to hang out with El.

I walk over to my locker to grab my skateboard out of it and put all my books back. I shut my locker as I then make my way outside by skateboarding through the halls. I knew it wasn't allowed, but I did it anyway.

When I got outside I made my way to the park behind the school. I skated my way there as I did some tricks, waiting for El. I was trying to perfect my trick as I kick off my board to try the trick, but fall instead. "Shit, almost." I curse as I lay on the ground on my back. Instead of getting up, I stayed there, putting my feet down on the ground and my hands up to my head to rest them. "Are you okay? Or are you just admiring the clouds." I hear a familiar voice say as I suddenly see El her silhouette above me. Shit, she's even pretty from this perspective. "You know, just chilling." I chuckle as I look up at her. She chuckles softly as she offers me a hand to get up. I take it as I felt this rush of heat move through my body.

I got up with her help as she stares at me. "Your knee, it's bleeding." She points out a little worried. I look down as I hadn't noticed it. "Oh shit, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's okay, it doesn't hurt. I just skateboard a lot so I fall down a lot. Nothing new." I explain with a chuckle as I walk up to my skateboard and pick it up. "Oh, okay, well at least let me take care of it for you." El suggests as she looks at my knee. "You really don't have too." I blush slightly. "I'm going to do it anyway. Go sit down you goofball." She softly smiles. Did she really call me a goofball? Normal I wouldn't let anyone call me something like that, but why did I like it coming from her?

I nod with a chuckle. I took a seat on a bench close by. "It really isn't a big deal." I point out once again. "You can keep telling me that, but I'm still going to take care of you." El chuckles as she kneels down in-front of me. I blush slightly as I look at her knelt down. She opens her backpack as she grabs some water and tissues. She gently cleaned my wound with the gentlest touch. I look at her in silence as she was focusing on taking care of me. I felt all fluttery inside to see someone take care of me like that. No one ever did that for me. "And there. All done." She smiles as she sticks a bandaid on my knee. "You really are prepared for a medical situation huh." I chuckle softly as I look at El. "Yes, for in case something like this happens." She smiles. "Thank you, but it wasn't that bad. Now you wasted all your supplies on me." I state. "It's not wasted. I took care of you didn't I? And I made you feel better right?" She asks with a smile. I nod. "Yes, you did." I smile. "But it's you, who made me feel better, not the bandaid ." I smile at her. She blushes slightly. "Well, then the bandaid is just a reminder of me." She smirks. I giggle softly. "Fine. You're sweet. Thanks El." I smile as she now sat next to me. She smiles too. "Do you have another bandaid ?" I ask with a smirk. "Yea, I have a whole box, You want another one?" She asks as she hands me another bandage. I took the bandage and stuck it on her knee. "There. Now you have a reminder of me too. Now we are bandaid buddies." I chuckle as I look at her knee. She laughed. "You stuck it on my pants. You dummy." She laughs. "Well, my pants ripped, yours didn't so I didn't have a choice." I chuckle. "Fine." She chuckles.

"What do you want to do?" I ask El as I look at her. "Anything with you is fun, so anything really." El blushes as she fumbled with her fingers. "I'm pretty boring actually." I chuckle. El gave me a playful push. "No you're not. I never felt so happy with someone around then when I'm with you." El explains as her cheeks turn red. Did she really just admit that she is the happiest with me around? Oh god. I felt my cheeks burn up. "You do?" I ask as I meet her eyes. El her cheeks turn a brighter red as she nods her head. I felt my stomach turn all fluttery when she said that. "I only met you today, but I feel the same. You also make me- very happy. " I admit as I fumble with the sleeve of my jacket. She smiles as she looks down at her shoes. "Yeah, It's weird. I've only known you for a few hours now, but I feel like I have known you my whole life. It feels so comfortable with you. And you just make me want to smile and I can't help but think about you the whole day." El explain as she nervously wiggles her feet. My lips curl into a smile as I look at her. My heart starts pounding faster as I felt the exact same, but was scared to admit it and open myself up to it. "I know it sounds weird and maybe it is, since it's like I'm obsessed with you the moment I saw you. - I mean- I don't know why I said that. I didn't mean it like that- God, my head is a mess." El chuckles as she hides her face in her hands and chuckles nervously. "I probably sound like a creep right now. Thinking about you constantly, writing you notes and drawing you in my notebook, wanting to take care of you. You must think I'm a stalker or something." El nervously laughs.

"You are not a creep at all. Far from that actually. Nobody ever did anything as sweet as what you did for me today. It made me feel so happy and appreciated in a way, since I am not used to things like this. I also haven't felt anything like this before and it kind of scares me, since I'm also constantly thinking about you and want to be next to you and I just met you, so I get why you say you feel like a creep, because I feel the exact same." I admit as I blush and look at her. "You do?" El blushes as she meets my eyes. I nod. "I do." I softly smile. "It must be faith then." She chuckles as she looks down at her knee, where the bandaid was stuck on. "Maybe it is, I never let anyone come close to me, since I'm scared to open myself up. People have broken my trust way to many times. So I never let anyone in anymore. I was always on my own. Since today. When I saw you the first time, something pulled me in. I can't explain it. But, it made me want to know everything about you." I explain as I look at her hands. All I wanted to do is hold them. She looks up at me and smiles. "And look at me now, telling you my all my insecurities. I never told anyone this. You make me open up and make me feel heard and happy and- shit I don't know how to explain all of this. You're just very special El." I explain as my cheeks burn up slightly. El smiles brightly as her cheeks turn even more red. 

"You're the one who makes me feel seen and happy. No one ever stood up for me, definitely not here, because who would help the weird new girl from Hawkins." She chuckles nervously. I look at her, as I fidget with the bandaid on her leg, brushing my fingers over her knee. Her eyes shooting from my hand back up to my eyes.  "But, what if I like the weird girl from Hawkins?" I smile as I look at her. Her eyes light up as she looks at my lips and back into my eyes.  "Would you- I don't know- ever kiss the weird girl?" She asks blushing. I meet her eyes as she stares into mine. I stare deep into her hazel eyes. Feeling a bit flustered by her question. My eyes move down to her lips and up to her eyes again as she did the same. My heart pounding in my chest.  She leans in ever so slightly. As did I. My hand now fully resting on her knee. El licks her lips gently as she leans in closer and cups my face with her hand. I lick my lips too as I felt this rush of heat go through my body. I slowly lean in till our lips collide. El cupping my face gently as she kisses my lips. Both my hands now resting on her knees as we sat opposite of each other. She smiles against my lips as I lean in closer. Her hand now resting on my chest as our kiss got more passionate. Her soft lips brushing over mine. I couldn't help, but smile against her lips as well. She slowly pulls away as she had a smile on her face. 

"I think that may answer your question." I softly say as I meet her eyes. She giggles softly as she nods at me.  "I really like you too by the way. If you couldn't tell." El giggles softly as she still had her hand on my chest, staring into my eyes. "I think I could kind of tell. Just a little bit though." I joke as I wink at her. Brushing my finger in circles around the bandaid on her knee. She blushes softly as she smiles at me. "So I also have a question for the weird girl of Hawkins." I chuckle as I look at her with a smile. "She's listening." El chuckles as she couldn't stop staring at me. Same for me. She was just so mesmerizing, I couldn't help but stare at her and take in every inch of her face. I was terrified of what I was about to ask, for multiple reasons and I just met her. But nothing in my whole life, has ever felt this good and this right. So I was just going to do it. 

"Does the weird girl of Hawkins, want to be my weird girl instead?" I ask with a smile. As I meet her eyes. El smiles as her eyes meet mine. Without hesitation she attacks my lips as her arms wrap around my neck. My hand resting on her hip. Her lips curling up in a smile against my lips.  

"Of Course I want to be yours, you weirdo." 

//AN: A long and last part of this short story, as promised. I hope you all enjoyed it!

What short would you like to see next? Please tell me your favorite idea below! 

Elmax story: What if El and Max meet at a summer job?

Elmax story: Based on the song Love Story - Taylor Swift

Sillie story: What if Sadie was Millie her new dog-sitter and they meet for the first time? 

Sillie story: Based on the song When I'm gone (cups) - Anna Kendrick

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