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Once upon a time in a charming house in the big city, there lived a happy, loving married couple. Their names were Cadance and Shining Armor and they wanted children for many years. One day, they realized that their wish was going to come true; they were going to have a child. The couple lived right next door to an enormous garden, but nopony dared to go near it because it belonged to a mare named Tempest Shadow. She was a unicorn who possessed a broken horn, but also great magical powers far beyond anyone's control. Because of these powers, she was often called a witch by the locals.

Almost every day when she finished her daily chores, Cadance would sit at the window in her bedroom and gaze at the beautiful plants and flowers that grew in the witch's garden next door. She desperately wanted to have a taste of at least some of the luscious greenery and vegetables but because of her neighbor's rude and selfish behavior, she was never able to.

One night, Cadance had grown ill. Shining Armor stayed close at his wife's side every waking moment, caring for her as best as he could but no matter what he tried, Cadance was never getting any better. In fact, it seemed like she was getting worse every day.

"Please, Cadance. What is it I can do to make you feel better?" Shining Armor asked, desperately concerned for his wife's well-being.

"Shining Armor. Listen to me, please. I need you to do something very, very important for me." Cadance said weakly.

"Anything, dear. Name it and it's done." Shining Armor said.

"If... if I don't have even a taste of some of the radishes from our neighbor's garden soon, I'll die." Cadance said as she weakly stroked her husband's mane with her hoof.

Shining Armor looked at his wife; she looked so weak and pale, she had to be serious.

"Alright, darling. If it's radishes you want, radishes you'll have." He said as he kissed his wife's forehead.

That night, Shining Armor went outside towards his neighbor's property to get his wife the radishes she craved. He climbed over the high stone wall that surrounded the piece of land and he entered the garden as quietly as he could. As soon as he entered, he was overtaken by the wondrous sight.

There was a manner of all plants including fruits, vegetables, and herbs of all kinds. And soon enough, he spotted the special radishes near a wall of purple grape vines. But just as he was just about to grab some and run, in a green flash, the Witch appeared right in front of him with an enraged expression on her face. He let out a cry in fright as he backed away from her.

"Hold it right there! How dare you steal from my garden!" The mare shrieked in anger. "Unless you have a very good excuse, you will pay for your crimes!"

Shining Armor stood tall in front of the mare before him.

"Please don't harm me, madam," He calmly pleaded. "These radishes are for my wife, Cadance. She's with child and she told me that she needs to eat some of the radishes from your garden or she'll die. So, can I please—?"

"Alright, alright! I get it!" The Witch yelled in an annoyed tone, then composed herself and spoke to him in a calm tone. Then she thought of something before continuing her statement.

"You know what, Mr. Armor? I'll give you a deal. As of right now, you can take as many of my radishes as you like, but on one condition."

"Really? What is it?" Shining Armor slowly asked.

"In exchange, you must give me something precious to you."

"What do you want?"

"I want the child."

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