Spike Pan

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Once upon a time in a little neighborhood just like any other, there lived three fillies named Wendy Belle, John-a-loo, and Michael Bloom. They were the best of friends and they had imaginative adventures together.

One night, Wendy Belle asked her friends to come over to her house for a sleepover, to which they agreed. The three had lots of fun together for hours, telling silly or scary stories and playing all kinds of make believe. Before the trio went to sleep, Wendy Belle told her dear friends about the wonderful tales and adventures of a dragon called Spike Pan. She told of how Spike Pan would fight evil pirates or play with whimsical fairies all day and night all with a smile on his face. And she told them the best part of the story, Spike Pan could never grow up and that he stayed a young dragon forever.

All too soon, it was time for bed. The three fillies yawned and snuggled in their sleeping bags on the floor and before they knew it, they drifted off to sleep, thinking and dreaming of the marvelous Spike Pan and all of his many exciting escapades and adventures.

But about an hour or two after the trio had fallen asleep, a tiny bright purple light flew into the room through the slightly opened window and it fluttered around the bedroom. But it soon was followed by the window bursting wide open and a tiny dragon with no wings to fly through. The dragon was dressed in green and brown rags and he had dirty brown vines wrapped around his waist and head. He looked around the room with curious eyes.

"Sparkle Bell? Spark! Where are you?" The dragon whispered. "I knew you were just here."

"Over here!" The ball of light called from Wendy Belle's nightstand.

"There you are." The dragon whispered as he ran to the nightstand. "Hey, is this the right place?"

"Yeah. At least I think it is." The light replied.

That was when they heard Wendy Belle rustling and groaning in her sleeping bag. She yawned and sleepily opened her eyes as she sat up.

"Ugh, what's going on?" She asked, rubbing her head. "What's that noise?"

The dragon let out a silent gasp and he desperately ran into the closet as fast as he could to hide before the filly could see him with the light following close behind. Wendy Belle's eyes widened with worry when she heard movement, which wasn't her own.

"Who's there?" She asked nervously. "I know you're there, so come on out."

Wendy Belle then noticed a faint purple light coming from her closet. She slowly stood up and made her way to the closet. She opened the door and she saw the dragon hiding behind some of her clothes. She was so frightened and surprised that she let out a cry and fell back in surprise.

The dragon was just as surprised as her, so much so that he jumped up a great height from the closet to the banister of the filly's bed. Wendy Belle looked at find the dragon's tail poking out from the banister above. She giggled and smiled at him. He slowly peeked his head out to look back at the unicorn filly; the dragon saw that she wasn't going to hurt him.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you." She said, offering the stranger her hoof. "Come on down."

Though he was a little skeptical at first, the dragon slowly climbed down to the floor and took the filly's hoof. They smiled at each other, no longer afraid of the other.

"Hello." Wendy Belle whispered kindly. "I'm Wendy Belle. What's your name?"

"Spike Pan." The dragon said politely.

"Wait. Did you say your name was Spike Pan?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"It's just... I've been telling some stories about you to my best friends over there, John-a-loo and Michael Bloom."

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