Fluttering Snow and the Seven Ponies

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Once upon a time in a small kingdom on the edge of the forest, there lived a beautiful young pony named Fluttering Snow. She lived with her father the King, thus she was called princess. She also lived with her stepmother the Queen, a mare called Abacus Cinch. This Queen was very beautiful as well as very clever, but she was also vain, spoiled, selfish, and cruel. Queen Cinch possessed an enchanted mirror that spoke nothing but the truth. So every day, she would go to her mirror and say:

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"

And every time, the mirror would always reply:

"You, my Queen, with your beauty so grand, are the fairest in all the land."

This always made the Queen very happy with herself as well as her mirror, for she never thought of anypony else who was more beautiful than her. In any case, Queen Cinch was always known as the fairest of them all for many years. But one fateful day, all of that changed.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" The Queen asked as usual.

"Abacus Cinch, my Queen, you are very fair, 'tis true, but... but there is somepony else who is fairer than you." The mirror said nervously.

"What?" The Queen whispered; she winced, her eye twitching as she breathed.

"Yes." The mirror replied.

Through her gritted teeth, the Queen slowly asked, "Who... is it?"

"It... it's... Princess Fluttering Snow." The mirror winced in fright as she spoke, waiting for the Queen's reaction.

Queen Cinch was enraged; how could her own stepdaughter be fairer than her? A new hatred for Fluttering Snow began to form and grow in the unicorn's dark heart. Her eyes burned with anger as he glowered at the mirror before her.

"Fluttering Snow?! That wimpy, pathetic, sorry excuse for a Pegasus is fairer than ME?! That can't be true! I can't believe it! I won't believe it!" She shrieked.

"My Queen, I speak nothing but the truth! You know that! Please, don't hurt me!" The mirror squealed in terror.

"Ugh! Spare me your exaggerated falsities, you worthless chunk of glass!"

But then a thought popped in the Queen's head. When had her loyal and true mirror ever lie to her? She calmed down, then tried to think of a plan.

"But... if what you're saying really is the truth, then I'll have to get rid of that Fluttering Snow... and I know exactly how to handle it. I want the Hunter!" She yelled.

And as if on cue, a Pegasus mare with a sky blue coat and rainbow hair came flying into the Queen's bed chamber fast as lighting. She wore a deep green leather vest and hat with a bow, a few arrows, and a knife tucked in her belt. She kneeled before Queen Cinch.

"You sent for me, Your Majesty?" The Hunter asked.

"Yes, I did." The Queen said, looking at the Pegasus before her. "Hunter Dash, I'm glad you're here. I have an important task I need you to do for me."

"As long as you're queen, your wish is my command, Your Majesty. What is it that you want me to do?" Hunter Dash asked.

"That's good. Right now, I want you to find Princess Fluttering Snow."


"And take. Her. Out."

"Yes, Your Ma-wait a minute. Wait, WHAT!? But-but-but... but Your Majesty, surely you don't mean it! ...Do you?"

"Oh! Of course I mean it." The Queen violently grabbed Hunter Dash by the neck with her magic. "And if you don't want to get into any trouble with me, I strongly suggest that you do exactly as I tell you or else!"

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