The Wizard of Neighs

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Once upon a time on a small farm, there lived a young filly named Dorothy Belle. She lived with her Auntie Rare and her best friend, a baby dragon named Spike. Although Dorothy Bell was content with this life, she was also rather bored with it and she wanted excitement.

One fateful day, there was a horrible tornado coming and everypony had to get underground before it would hit. But Dorothy Belle couldn't get down to the basement with her aunt in time, she was looking for Spike who was hiding from the storm. Just when they were about to follow Auntie Rare into the basement, it was too late. The tornado hit the little house and it flew up into the air with Dorothy Belle and Spike still inside. And after a long time of spinning and flying, the house landed with a loud crash.

"Spike, are... are you okay?" Dorothy Belle asked, climbing out from under a collapsed sofa.

"I-I think so." Spike answered as he climbed off of a broken shelf. "Is it over?"

"Yeah... I think the tornado's gone." Dorothy replied.

"Thank goodness. For a minute there, I thought we were goners for sure." Spike sighed.

"Yeah. But... where are we?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should take a look and see where we landed."

"What if it's dangerous out there?"

"If there are really nice ponies out there, maybe they'll be kind enough to help us out."

"Oh, alright."

Spike opened the door and to their surprise, he and Dorothy Belle were staring out into a gorgeous and colorful landscape. They walked out the door and into the land while marveling at the sight, their eyes wide in awe.

"Spike, I don't think we're in Ponyville anymore." Dorothy Belle said, distracted.

"Ya think?" An annoyed Spike asked.

As they looked around, they soon noticed a few small figures coming from a tiny hill. It looked like they were trying to hide, and they were doing either a really good or a lousy job. The filly and her dragon friend huddled closer together in fear, unsure of what was going on.

"Did you see that?" Dorothy Belle asked worriedly.

"Yeah." Spike said.

"Did we scare you?" A new voice asked.

"Who said that?" Dorothy asked.

"I did." The voice said again.

The two whipped their heads around to see a group of very small ponies standing in front of them; they were smaller then Dorothy Belle herself. And they were all dressed in blue clothes and they had big smiles on their faces.

"Who are you?" Spike asked nervously.

"And where are we?" Dorothy added.

"You're in Cutieland!" One of the tiny ponies said as she approached the two. "We're the Cuties, the citizens of this fair little town."

"That's right. And you two are our heroes." Another cutie added.

"What?" Dorothy and Spike asked.

"Yes because thanks to the both of you, the Wicked Witch of the East is dead and we're free at last!" The Cuties cheered.

"Indeed you are." A voice from nowhere said.

And that was when a big beautiful bubble in the shape of a crystalline heart floated down into the center of Cutieland, and when it touched the ground, it disappeared to reveal a beautiful Alicorn mare wearing a shimmering dress and holding a wand. The Cuties all smiled and bowed down to the mysterious mare when she descended.

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