The Crystal Nutcracker

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Once upon a time in a manor in the city, there lived a beautiful young mare named Sunset Marie. She lived with her parents and her two rambunctious little brothers, Snips and Snails. Every year, the family always held a big party at their home to celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve, Sunset Marie's favorite time of the year. It has always been her favorite holiday because every year she got to invite her closest friends and favorite relatives to the celebration.

And that time did come again.

It was Hearth's Warming Eve and the three siblings were waiting patiently for their guests to arrive, mostly Marie. And soon enough, their patience was rewarded; ponies all came pouring in. Uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, and even a close friend or two, all splendidly dressed; here they came for the happiest and most wonderful time of the year.

Once everypony had settled in and got themselves comfortable, they all gathered around in the gorgeous den which was wonderfully decorated with ornaments, knickknacks, trinkets, and garlands in various shades of red, green, and silver with a grand evergreen tree decorated just as fabulously while being surrounded by beautifully wrapped and perfectly placed presents and gifts as the centerpiece.

But before anypony could get their hooves on a gift, it was time for the games to begin first. Every mare and filly received a stallion or colt for a dance partner and they all danced around the room in perfect synchronization; the bright colors of the mares' dresses bringing more color to the den while the handsome smiles of the stallions brightened the moral. That was when something out of the ordinary happened.

A strange mare wearing a black cloak and a top hat appeared and stopped beside the tree. Everypony silently gasped and huddled close together away from the cloaked pony, unaware of what was now happening. The mare removed her cloak and hat and Sunset Marie smiled enthusiastically; she immediately recognized the stranger as her beloved Godmother Twilight Sparklemeyer. Magical things always happened when she came to the house.

"Twilight! It's so wonderful to see you again!" Sunset Marie cried, embracing her godmother tightly.

"It's so good to see you too, Marie." Madam Sparklemeyer said with a beaming smile. "You're at least a head taller since the last time I saw you."

"I can't believe you came! For a minute, I thought you weren't going to come this year."

"And miss a chance to visit you and your family again? Pfft! Never! Something just came up and I had to take care of it, that's all. But I'm here now, so no harm done."

"Well, now that everypony is here for the party, let us continue with the festivities!" Marie's father, Flintlock, declared.

"Quite right, darling!" Marie's mother, Autumn Sun, added. "Twilight, would you please care to show us a bit of magic?"

"I'd be delighted to. Everypony, gather around." Madam Sparklemeyer said, nodding her head and closing her eyes.

Soon, the den was illuminated with the natural magenta light of the Alicorn's beautiful magic. Without missing a beat, fireworks and sparks began flying out of the mare's horn, lighting up the room and the faces of the many excited guests. Her lilac face was serene, her eyes focused on the lights above her head, making occasional glances to the brightly wrapped packages tucked in her saddle bags.

When her performance was over, everypony cheered and applauded like mad. The mare smiled warmly and looked back at her baggage.

"Don't worry. Everything will fall into place." She whispered, smiling to herself.

"That was wonderful, Twilight!" Sunset Marie cheered as she approached her Godmother.

Madam Sparklemeyer quickly covered up her saddle bags with her cloak as her Goddaughter came closer.

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