Little Pinkie Hen

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Once upon a time in a little farm, there was a hen with pink feathers called Little Pinkie Hen. She lived on the farm with her best friends, Applequack the duck, Meowity the cat, and Rainbow Woof the dog. One day, she found some seeds in the farmhouse and she got an idea.

"Hey! If we plant these seeds, we could grow some wheat and then make a big, sweet, delectable cake!" She said, taking some of the seeds in her wing. "This would be so much fun! I can't wait to tell the others!"

As she made her way out of the farmhouse with the seeds in her wing, Little Pinkie Hen decided to ask her friends for some help. First, she went to see Applequack the duck who was splashing around in the nearby pond.

"Hey, Applequack!" Pinkie Hen said.

"Howdy, Pinkie Hen. Whatcha got there?" Applequack asked.

"I just found these seeds and I was hoping you could help me." Pinkie Hen said.

"With what?" Applequack asked.

"I thought we could plant these seeds I found so we could grow some wheat and make a big cake. What do you say?"

"Sorry. Not I."

Applequack then took in a deep breath and dove down back into the water to continue her swimming. After shrugging her shoulders, Little Pinkie Hen left Applequack alone and went to see if she could get Meowity the cat to help her. She found Meowity playing with a ball of royal purple yarn near the silo.

"Hi, Meowity!" Pinkie Hen greeted.

"Oh! Pinkie Hen, darling, hello. What are you doing?" Meowity asked, looking up at the pink hen before her.

"I was just wondering if you could help me plant these seeds I found." The hen answered.

"What for?" The ivory feline asked.

"I was planning on making a cake with the wheat grown from it. Wanna help?"

"Oh, terribly sorry, darling. Not I."

Meowity then ran behind the silo with her precious ball of yarn in her paws. Once again, Little Pinkie Hen shrugged her shoulders and went back on her way. She then went to find Rainbow Woof the dog to see if she would be willing to help her plant the seeds. And she found Rainbow Woof playing with a rainbow colored bouncy rubber ball near the pasture.

"Hey there, Rainbow Woof!" Pinkie Hen said warmly.

"Hey, Pinkie Hen. What are you doing?" Rainbow Woof asked.

"I was just hoping you'd help me with something?" Pinkie Hen replied.

"What do you need help with?" The canine asked.

"I was thinking of planting these seeds so we could grow wheat and make some cake. You wanna help?"

"Oh. Not I."

Rainbow Woof then threw her ball in another direction and ran after it, barking all the while. Little Pinkie Hen sighed as she rolled her eyes. Soon, she decided to take matters into her own wings. She took a shovel and planted the seeds all by herself. And soon, the seeds grew into tall shafts of wheat, ready to be made into flour. She wanted to see if her friends would help her this time. So she went to ask them.

"You guys wanna help me make the flour to make the cake? I already grew the wheat and it's all ready to go." Pinkie Hen offered.

"Not I." Applequack said.

"Not I." Meowity added.

"Not I." Rainbow Woof added.

So, Little Pinkie Hen cut down the wheat and made the flour all by herself. When it was ready for baking, she was hoping her friends would help... again.

"Who's gonna help me make the cake?" She asked.

"Not I." All three friends said in unison.

Pinkie Hen groaned and put a wing to her forehead. So she made the cake all by herself. She measured, stirred, mixed, and put it in the oven. And soon, the cake was ready. Pinkie Hen even frosted and decorated the cake by herself, but in the end, it was worth it and her cake was finally ready and it smelled so sweet and delectable that it caught Meowity, Applequack, and Rainbow Woof's attention. They looked up and they saw that the cake looked wonderfully delicious. Their mouths watered and their eyes widened as they beheld it.

"Ya like it?" Pinkie Hen asked proudly.

"Yes!" They said.

"Pretty impressive if I do say so myself, huh?" Pinkie Hen asked.

"Boy howdy!" Applequack exclaimed.

"Absolutely!" Meowity cried excitedly.

"You got that right!" Rainbow Woof shouted.

"Now that you're here, who's gonna help me eat my cake?" Pinkie Hen asked.

"I will!" All three answered excitedly.

"Wait a minute, you know what? Maybe I should eat this all by myself."

"What?! But why?" Rainbow Woof asked.

"Do we not deserve a piece?" Meowity asked.

"Yeah, come on, PH." Applequack insisted.

"Sorry, girls, but I did all the work and you three were no help at all. So, it seems only fair that I eat it myself. Sorry."

And with that, Little Pinkie Hen took the cake in her wings and made her way to the chicken coop to start eating. Rainbow Woof, Applequack, and Meowity only stared with disappointed looks on their faces as their pink friend walked off.

They all learned that if they wanted something, they should all do their part into making it happen so they get a share too. And soon enough, Little Pinkie Hen and her friends all lived happily ever after.

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