Goldie Bloom and the Three Bears

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Once upon a time in a forest near a small village, there lived a family of three bears. There was a Papa Bear, a Mama Bear, and a Baby Bear. They lived in a tiny cottage in the middle of the forest and they were very happy with this life they had. One beautiful spring day, Mama Bear had made a special treat for the rest of her family.

"Hey, boys, I have a big surprise. I made us all a nice, big delicious honey apple pie." She said, taking the hot pie out of the oven.

"Oh! I can't wait!" Papa Bear said as he and Baby Bear sat at the table in the kitchen.

"Coming, Mama!" Baby Bear called excitedly.

The Bears couldn't wait to dig in as a piece of pie was each placed in front of them, but when they took a bite, they got a surprise. The pie was much too hot to eat at the moment.

"Hey, maybe we should all go out and take a little walk in the forest while our pie cools." Papa Bear suggested, standing up from his chair.

"That's a great idea, dear. And maybe by the time we get home, the pie would be cool enough to eat." Mama Bear added.

"I'm up for it. I love going for walks." Baby Bear said, excitedly standing up.

And so, the three Bears went out of the house and they were on their walk, just as happy as can be. But since they lived out in the middle of the forest and nopony knew where they lived, they thought no one would bother to go near their house. So they always left the door and windows unlocked whenever they went out.

Just then in the very same forest at the very same time, there was a little filly named Goldie Bloom. She was walking through the forest that day when the delicious scent of honey mixed with apples filled her nose. She followed the smell right to the house. When she first saw it, she grew curious. So, Goldie Bloom walked up to the house and knocked on the door.

"Hello? Anypony home?" She called out, waiting for a response.

No one answered, but the door wasn't locked, so she opened the door and went inside to see where the smell was coming from. Inside, she found the three pieces of pie sitting on the table.

"Mmmmm! That pie over there looks great! And it smells delicious. I hope the owners won't mind if I have a little taste." Goldie Bloom said, smiling and licking her lips.

She first took a taste from Papa Bear's plate. "Agh! This pie's too hot!"

Next, she took a taste from Mama Bear's plate. "Yuck. This pie's too cold!"

Then, she took a taste from Baby Bear's plate. "Mmmm! This pie's just right."

So, without a second thought, Goldie Bloom ate up the little piece of pie until it was all gone. She looked around the house and wondered what else there was. Soon, she walked around and she found herself in a room with three chairs; one big, one medium-sized, and one small.

"Hmm. I'm sure the owners won't mind if I sat down for a while." She said to herself.

First, she sat down on Papa Bear's chair. "Ow! This chair's too hard!"

Next, she sat down on Mama Bear's chair. "Ew! This chair's too soft!"

Then, she sat down on Baby Bear's chair. "Aah. This chair's just right."

But when Goldie Bloom sat down, the little chair underneath her broke into little pieces. She stood up and nervously looked at the broken piece of furniture.

"Uh oh. Hope the owners won't be too mad... Oh well. A little glue, a few nails. It'll be easy to fix, no problem." She said to herself, casually shrugging her shoulders.

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