Sleeping Dash

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Once upon a time in a beautiful and glorious city nestled high in the mountains, there was a wise king and a fair queen who wanted a child. And one day, their wish came true. A beautiful Pegasus filly was born and she was called Rainbow Rose. A few days after the princess's birth, a grand party was held at the palace. Ponies from far and wide were invited to attend the marvelous celebration, even the Seven Good Fairies were asked to come. Everypony was having a wonderful time while celebrating the baby princess. The King stood up from his throne and stomped his hoof on the floor and all of the guests turned their attention to him.

"Attention, everypony! It's time for the event you've all been waiting for. Time for our guests of honor to give their gifts to our little princess." The King announced.

"That's right, darling. Now the eldest of the group shall go first, then the second eldest, and so on. In your own time." The Queen added proudly, nodding her head at the Fairies.

The seven Fairies nodded their heads and smiled back at the King and Queen as they made their way towards the gilded cradle by the two thrones where the tiny baby princess was laying; all standing in a single file line.

The first to go up was a unicorn with a white coat and purple hair with curls. She looked at the baby and her horn began to glow. "My gift to the princess is surpassing beauty." The mare announced as she cast her spell upon the baby.

The next pony stepped up. This one was an Alicorn mare with a lilac coat and dark blue hair. She activated her magic as well. "My gift to the princess is the wit of an angel." The Alicorn declared, casting her spell.

The third pony was a yellow Pegasus mare with long pink hair. "My gift to the princess is grace in all of her ways."

The fourth was an Earth pony with a pink coat and magenta hair. "My gift to the princess is a true sense of humor."

The fifth was another Earth pony, but this one had an orange coat and blonde hair. "My gift to the princess is a kind and friendly disposition."

The sixth was a second unicorn mare with a lavender coat and purple and green mane. "My gift to the princess is loyalty and bravery."

And the final and youngest fairy was a third unicorn with a yellowish orange coat, aquamarine eyes, and a red and yellow striped mane and tail. Before she could cast a spell however, everything was suddenly interrupted by the front doors bursting open by a great gust of wind, followed by a deafening buzz and a cloud of dark green smoke. When the buzzing stopped and the wind ceased, a tall and hideously disfigured pony-like creature appeared. It looked almost female, but also half insect. As it slowly approached the King and Queen, the ponies cowered in fear and trembled as the tall creature passed by.

"Good day, everypony. What a glorious affair you have going on." The creature spoke, its voice seemed to echo in everypony's minds. "I see everypony has managed to come. Nobility, royalty, and... and even the rabble. How quaint."

"What are you doing here, Chrysalis?" The white unicorn demanded.

"Yeah, what do you want?" The pink pony asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here for the celebration, of course. Although, I feel rather distressed at not receiving an invitation. Where are your manners?" The creature dubbed as Chrysalis replied.

"You ain't welcome here!" The pony with the blonde mane shouted.

The room was deathly silent, nopony moved or made a sound. That is until Chrysalis chuckled before suddenly breaking into wicked, booming laughter.

"Oh, dear me." She laughed. "How terribly awkward. I just thought that the invitation was lost in the mail, that's all."

"Chrysalis, why are you here?" The King commanded.

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