Sweetie Alice in Wonderland

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Once upon a time in a small quiet town, there lived a pony named Sweetie Alice. Sweetie Alice was always known as an innocent, sweet filly at heart, but she was also known to be very inquisitive and curious. She also tends to daydream almost every day and get distracted easily.

One day, Sweetie Alice and her older sister were in the local park to spend some much needed quality time together. They sat under a big shady tree next to the pond, their pet cat Opalescence lying beside Alice. But after a while, Alice grew tired of having nothing to do. She yawned before sitting up and looking back at her sister.

"For a minute there, I thought I'd fall asleep. Hey, sis? Don't you ever get tired of reading books with no pictures in them?" Alice asked.

"Heavens no, little sister. I get to use my imagination when I read books like this." Her sister said, turning her head away from her book to face Alice. "You know, a good book is almost as magnificent as silk pajamas on a Sunday morning."

"Oh, please. I know I'd fall asleep not having any pictures in my books."

"You can fall asleep doing anything, Sweetie Alice. Perhaps you enjoy dreaming."

"You know, maybe I do." The two ponies shared a few giggles before the mare went back to reading her book.

But after a few minutes, just as her eyes were about to close for a nap, Alice saw a very strange sight. It looked like an ordinary rabbit only it had light purple fur and it was wearing a blue, purple, and magenta waist coat and in its paw was a small golden pocket watch. And just when she thought things couldn't get any stranger, Sweetie Alice heard the rabbit speak.

"Oh, dear! I'm late! I'm late! I'm so late!"

Alice was surprised by the sight she was viewing; what could a little bunny be late for?

"Excuse me, ma'am?" She called. "Can I help you with something? Where are you going?"

"I don't have time to talk! I hardly have any time at all! Oh, I am so, very late!" The rabbit whined as she ran faster into the forest.

"Late for what? Hey, come back! Wait! Stop!"

Burning with curiosity, Sweetie Alice began to chase after the rabbit. She ran straight through the park, up a hill, and into the Everfree Forest trying to catch up with the purple bunny in the waistcoat, but she soon lost sight of the little creature after she ran down a small hole in the ground beside a large gnarled tree.

"Where'd she go?" Alice asked herself before she spotted the hole near the tree. She walked closer to it, looking at the hole all the while.

"Hello? Is anypony down there?" She called.

She stopped near the tree's enormous roots and looked into the dark hole. She was about to shout something else when she suddenly noticed the faint green glow the hole possessed. Alice cocked her head to the side and squinted her eyes; what could possibly be making that light?

"Well, that definitely isn't... normal..." She said, slowly walking closer.

But after gazing into the pit for more than a few seconds, she tripped on one of the roots of the tree, her hoof slipped on a piece of dirt and grass below her, and she fell straight into the hole. Alice fell down and down the rabbit hole, screaming all the while. She thought the hole would go on and on forever until finally, she hit solid ground.

"Ow!" She grumbled as she shakily got back on her hooves while rubbing her head.

The minute her vision was in focus, Alice saw that she was standing in the middle of a peculiar room with doors of all shapes and sizes lined up all over the walls.

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