Puss-a-loo in Boots

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Once upon a time in a kingdom not so far away from home, there lived a poor miller who had three sons. One day, the miller had passed away due to old age, leaving his most prized possessions to his three sons. The eldest son was given the mill, the second son was given the mule, and the youngest of the three, a young stallion who was called Shining Armor, was given his father's cat. She was a little orange kitten called Puss-a-loo and she was very clever as well mischievous.

After his father's burial, Shining Armor decided to leave the farm and go out into the world to start a new life on his own. He took the kitten, Puss-a-loo, with him and to be honest, he was far less than pleased with his new pet; he thought that the cat would never help in get anywhere in life, but little did he know that he would be proved wrong.

As they made their way down the path, Puss-a-loo tried to comfort her new owner by rubbing her face against his leg.

"Please don't look so disappointed, master." Puss-a-loo said, touching the stallion's shoulder with her paw. "I'll be sure to get you everything you'll ever want, you'll see."

"You? How can you get me everything I want?" Shining Armor asked. "You're just a cat."

"Master, trust me, please. True I am a cat, but I have a plan and it's a really good one too. Now, I'll need a few things."

"Like what?"

"Like... a burlap sack, a scarf, and a pair of boots."

"Why? What do you need with those things for?"

"It's part of my plan. You seriously want to question it, master? Do you want me to explain it to you? Before you know it, I'll start rambling and you don't want that, do you?"

Letting out an annoyed sigh in response, Shining Armor reluctantly gave the cat his scarf and his old boots as well as a sack and before he knew it, the kitten had already run off into the forest. She laid the sack in the middle of the path with some carrots inside; she was using them as bait. Puss-a-loo then hid in the bushes as she waited for any little creature to come around and take the bait. It took a few minutes, but finally her patience was rewarded.

Two rabbits unknowingly hopped into the opening of the sack to take a little nibble of the carrots. And she pounced onto the sack, causing it to close and capture the rabbits. With the sack of rabbits in tow, Puss-a-loo made her way to the castle to present her catch to the Queen, all according to plan. The Queen was reading a book to herself when the little kitten came to call.

"Your Majesty, a cat is approaching and she wishes to speak with you." A clumsy messenger said as she barged into the throne room to tell her mistress the news.

"A cat? Speak to me?" The Queen asked, confused.

"Yes, and this cat wears boots, Your Grace." The messenger said.

"Boots? Oh my. Then surely this must be a creature of substance. Bring this cat before me." The Queen ordered.

And soon, Puss-a-loo appeared before the Queen with her sack. She bowed low before saying, "I am very humble to be in your presence, my Queen."

"What is the meaning of this, young feline? Why have you requested an audience with me?" The mare asked.

"Your Majesty, I've come on behalf of my master, the Marquis of Cantorbas. He has told me to present you with a gift." Puss-a-loo said as she gave the sack to the Queen.

The Queen opened the sack to see the two rabbits squirming around inside. She let out a cry of surprise and looked back at the orange kitten with wide eyes.

"Do you like it?" Puss-a-loo asked.

"Oh, yes, I do. Thank you very much. Tell this Marquis of Cantorbas that I accept his gift and also tell him that I say thank you." The Queen said.

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