Chapter 2

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After Niall when inside his house, I decided to unpack. It's been 4 hours and I am so tired! 3 boxes done who knows how many more to go. I sigh and flop onto my bed. I lie down on my back staring up at the ceiling. "I give up." I say throwing my hands up in frustration.

My room doesn't look so plain anymore. My nightstand has a colourful lamp and a book I'm currently reading on top of it. My desk now holds sketch books and papers, it has a laptop and CDs on top of it. My wardrobe has been filled with my clothes, well most of them. My bathroom has been stocked with my toiletries and the bookshelf I only saw a couple hours ago has 4 shelves stacked with books.

I walk out onto the balcony and look around the street. The houses around here look amazing. It's a cute little neighbourhood with about 20 houses. Across the street I can see quite a large park. There is a young couple, a baby and a small dog near the swing set. The couple look as if they are laughing as the baby is attacked with licks from the dog. I faintly smile, my family isn't really like that. My parents work a lot so we don't hang out much. I love them and they are there for me, I just wish we were closer like we used to be back when I was younger. Ok I'm sounding depressing. I need to do something. My stomach begins to rumble, ugh I haven't eaten since before our flight. Breakfast was served on the plane but I refuse to eat food given to us on a plane. Don't know why, just don't like it.

I rush down stairs. Just as I get to the kitchen archway the doorbell rings. I pull open the large wooden door and standing behind it holding a basket, of what looks to be brownies, is Niall.
"Hey Fallon." He smiles.
"Hi Ni..."
"Fallon, who's at the door?" my mum's head pops around the doorway of the living room. When she spots Niall she comes up to us.
"Hello." She says.
"Hello Mrs...uh."
"Ashworth" Niall looks a bit nervous, but it's understandable, my mom can look a bit scary sometimes.
"Mom this is Niall, he lives next door." I try distract her before she scares him off.
"Nice to meet you Niall."
"Nice to meet you too Mrs Ashworth. My mum baked these brownies to say welcome to the neighbourhood." He smiles.
"Thank you very much Niall and tell your mother we say thank you for the warm welcome."
"I will." My mum disappears back into the living room.
"Your mum is kind of scary." Niall whispers.
"I know." I whisper back giggling.
"Anyway, here are your brownies." He hands me the basket of chocolatey goodness.
"Thanks Niall."
"No problem, bye." He waves and starts to walk back to his house.
"Bye." I return the wave.

"BROWNIES!" I scream running into the kitchen to grab a plate. I'm a pretty messy eater. I climb onto the marble island and bite into the gooey brownie. Wow these are amazing. BEST BROWNIES EVER!


Hey guys and girls. Wow it has been forever since I've updated and I do apologize. I have been busy with school and our school production. Rehearsals are until very late in the evening not leaving me time to write.

Btw Happy Mother's Day! I will try write and update as much as I can but thank you all so much for being patient for the chapter.

As you guys might have noticed in chapter 1 I did have a picture of Alexandra Daddario. I wanted Fallon to look like her but now I'm not sure. If you guys have an actress or model name in mind who you think would be a great Fallon please comment the names.

And one more thing, just wanted to let you all know that I follow back all my followers and if you have books I will read them. Thanks everyone you are amazing and I love you!

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