Chapter 3

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It's Monday morning, 7 am. I nervously pace my bedroom. It's also my first day at a new school. I've always struggled making new friends, back in Essex it took half a year for me to make friends. They were my best friends, I was heartbroken to leave them. I've also been teased, called names and bullied since I was 11. Blurry memories flash across my mind. I push them to the back of my head. I need to stay positive.

I pull out my uniform, this skirt is tiny! Our uniform consists of a black miniskirt, a white collared shirt, a black blazer and a blue & black striped tie. I add a pair of black stockings and my favorite combat boots. I brush and pull my hair into a messy bun.
"Fallon it's time to go." My mum calls from the hallway.
"Coming." I grab my school bag and rush out the door.

The drive to my new school was a good 15 minutes away, meaning I could walk if I wanted to. The school is huge. It has 2 sections. Primary and Secondary. Primary school is from the ages 5 to 11 and Secondary school is from the ages 12 to 18. I walk towards the Secondary part of the school, through the quad and into the reception. The quad has a large sparkling fountain in the middle with some flower bushes around it. There are 4 benches placed on the concrete path and a few trees providing a decent amount of shade.

Small groups of students stand in the quad, too busy chatting to notice anything around them. I push the glass door open to see a tall boy standing behind it. He looks up from the papers in his hand and smiles.
"Hello! You must be the new girl Fallon. Am I correct?"
"You are correct." I smile back at him. He's cute. Oh no, is this? No no no! I think he's cute?! No not a crush! Please not a crush!
"I'm Brandon. Come on I'll show you around."
"Oh here's your class timetable and list of classrooms." He hands me the papers.
"Thanks, let's go."

After touring the entire school and 3 lesson its finally lunch. Turns out Brandon is also in my class so I wasn't completely alone.
"Hey Fallon!" He runs up to me.
"Hey Brandon."
"Come on I want to introduce you to someone."
"Ok." He grabs my hand and guides me through the tables. We stop at the edge of the grounds, which leads into a forest.
"In here." He says. I nervously look around but follow him into the trees. We walk for a bit until we come to a clearing.

A small stream flows through the opening. An old bench sits under the shade of the trees and a picnic blanket lies in the middle of the long green grass.
"Took you long enough." Says a voice. I look up to see a girl perched on a branch in the tree on the other side of the stream. She has blonde hair with pink highlights.
"Fallon this is Melody." Brandon says. She jumps down, landing on her feet, leaps over the stream and stands next to Brandon.
"Hi, nice name." She says.
"Thanks, cool hair." I say gesturing towards the pink strand resting on her forehead. She brushes it away.
"Thanks I'm kind of a rebel." She laughs. Brandon and Melody sit down on the blanket as I awkwardly stand there.
"Are you just gonna stand there or...." Melody says raising an eyebrow.
"Oh right." I blush and join them.


I sit down at a table with my friends. They are talking about football or something. I don't know, I'm not really paying attention. It's Fallon's first day at school. I wonder what she thinks so far. I haven't seen her once today. I know we're in different grades but I was hoping to bump into her in the corridor or cafeteria, but she's no where to be seen.

I look up from my tray of mash potatoes, fish sticks and peas to see Fallon being pulled by Brandon. He's a year younger than me and always getting into trouble along with that girl with the pink hair. It's her first day and she's already falling in with the wrong crowd. My eyes follow them to the edge of the school grounds. Where are they going? I'm about to stand up when someone hugs me from behind, covering my eyes.
"Guess who!" Her voice squeals in my ear.
"Um Stacy?"
"Well done babe!" She kisses me on the cheek and sits next to me.

Stacy and I have been together for a few months now. She's always kissing me and saying she loves me but I've never said it back. Love is misused all the time. No one uses it properly anymore. You can't be in love with someone who has only been with you for a few months. Can you? Well even if you can, I don't feel it with Stacy. Sure she's pretty and smart and the most popular girl in school but I don't know...she's kind of clingy.

I look back to where Fallon was a couple of seconds ago, to see she has disappeared. Great, I hope she's okay, I don't trust that boy. He's a load of trouble.


Hey everyone! Omg it's been forever since I updated He Was Mine! I apologize for making everyone wait so long! I really am sorry guys! I've had serious writers block, which sucks. I usually get inspired when going to sleep because I think of things and immediately have to write it down. So at 3 in the morning I'll be typing a chapter on my phone in the dark. I'm really sorry!

Anyway I'm also sorry this chapter is really boring and short. Nothing really interesting has happened yet but don't you worry because I've already planned what's going to happen next!😈😝 P.S. I apologize if the school grading is wrong, I'm not from Ireland so I'm not sure how it works please forgive me! And I hope you can see the picture.

I love you all so much! ❤️


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