Chapter 14

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I am so sorry this chapter is late, I am currently writing the second chapter because I know I missed two Fridays and I want to make it up to you. So here is chapter 14!


Dearest Fallon

Meet me at the water fountain in the entrance at 8 pm on Saturday night.

Your secret admirer

I smile at the note and return to my locker. A wrapped box is placed in the center of my locker. I open it. A corsage! White roses cover the band as well as some other small, white flowers. I slip the box into my bag along with my books and head home. Two notes in one day.

"Mom can we pick up my dress?" I push open the study door to see the top of my mom's bun sticking out from behind all the papers.
"Sure sweetie." She stands up and walks to the entrance to get her keys.
"How's work?"
"Hectic, as usual." We get into her car and drive to the dress shop I ordered my dress from.

"Fallon..." My nerves start to build up. My mom hasn't seen the dress.
"You. Look. Amazing!" I sign in relief.
"So who is taking my daughter to this dance?" She pulls a curious expression.
"I don't know." Her face drops.
"What? You said someone asked you..." I turn away from her and look at my reflection in the mirror.

The blue dress matches my hair. The soft fabric bursts out at my waist, the strapless top hugs my body perfectly. This dress shows off my curves, well the ones I have so far. I am only 13. I continue to study the dress until my mom clears her throat indicating she's still waiting for an answer.

"Someone did ask me, I just don't know who he is." She still looks confused. I walk over to my bag and pull out the note. The one he asked me to the dance in. I've been carrying it with me ever since I found it in my locker. My mom's eyes rush across the page as she takes in every word.
"Hm... Any idea who it is?"
"No. I thought it might b..." My voice fades.

I was so stupid to think he was going to ask me to the dance. Of course he wouldn't. There is someone else in his life. He likes her not me. Ugh such an idiot!
"Nevermind...." My mom glances at the time which is displayed on clock, hanging on the wall.
"Let's pay for this dress and continue with our shopping." I look at her with a confused expression. She just smiles.
"We need to get you shoes and makeup. You want to impress him don't you?"

We spend the rest of the day getting shoes and picking out makeup. This is the first time in a long time, my mom and I have just hung out and gone shopping. While we were out, she also booked me an appointment at a spa to get a facial and mani, pedi before the dance.

"Right. Now we have everything we need, so it's time to teach you how to do makeup." She says as me place the shopping bag on my bed. I tip it upside down and all its contents bounce on my bed.

"Come on Fallon!" She laughs.
"I'm going to take my eye out!"
"It's just eyeliner."
"It's a sharp pencil!" We have been arguing for the past 5 minutes as she tries to convince me that eyeliner is safe and not something that will blind you.... I don't believe her.
"Don't think of it as an eyeliner pencil. Think of it as an ordinary sketching pencil and your waterline is the page. Make a thin, soft light so you have an idea of what you want to draw, then go over it a few times to darken the line." Gah she's using my love of art against me.

I scoff and take the pencil from her. I gently place the side of the pencil on my lower waterline and drag it along. I retrace my movements a few more times until a black mark appears on my waterline. I squint in the mirror. My eyes look nicer than usual.
"See not that hard."
"I don't like the feeling of the pencil on my waterline." I pout.
"You get used to it." She laughs. We then move onto foundation and base, then mascara. Let's just say the mascara didn't go too well. I look like I've crawled out of the Walking Dead. I couldn't do lipstick either so I now look like the zombie version of Miranda Sings.

"I need to return to my work but keep practicing." She leans forward and kisses me on the forehead before leaving my room. I shift on my bed for a bit and then check my forearms. My hand glides over the tiny slits that are slowly healing. I can hide these from my date.

"Hey Miranda?" I look over to see a chuckling Niall on his balcony. I really should have closed my doors.
"What you want?" I try imitate her voice.
"To chat." He wipes away a tear.
"I know I'm beautiful!" I say still doing my Miranda Sings imitation.
"You going to the dance tomorrow?"
"Yeah, nice poster by the way."
"Uh thanks, Stacy made it. To be honest she kind of forced it into my hands when I was walking up to her. Then everyone gathered around us." He leans on his arms.
"Are you going with anyone?" I look into his deep blue eyes trying to find the secrets they hide. I stare at them until Niall touches my arm. I jump.
"Sorry, um yeah I am. Remember my secret admirer?"
"He asked you?"
"Well by note. I'm meeting him at the dance." Niall murmurs something under his breath.
"I better get back to practicing if I want to look nice for the dance."
"You always look nice." I blush and wave goodbye before returning to my bed...or where it used to be.


Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all the support and love! HWM has hit 300 reads! Thank you so so much! You are all absolutely amazing! Thank you for following my story and encouraging me to continue by voting, commenting and reading!


I love you all

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