Chapter One

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Another day in Seoul city. In the Western part of the city, there was a mansion where the biggest mafia lived. The mansion was secured with guards and cameras. No one dared to enter there without the mafia's permission.

"Sir, we got the information about that boy" A man said while entering in the office of a underworld king.

"Then what are you waiting for? go and bring him here" The mafia said coldly.

"Yess Sir" The man bowed and left from there.

Author's pov,

So the people who were taking a while ago , they are the biggest mafia of South Korea Mr. Jeon and his left hand Mr. Jung.

Mr. Jeon, 23 years old, was the biggest mafia in the world, no one knew how did he look. Everyone was afraid of him even the police also. He was known as THE JEON.

I will explain the other details about him later.

Mr. Jung was left hand of Mr. Jeon. He was the fighter and sniper and also worked as the lead bodyguard. He was 25 years old. He had a family but lived with Mr. Jeon. At home he called by his name but in office they called each other formally.

End of Author's pov.

After 30 minutes Mr. Jung came back with a boy and slammed the boy on the ground in front of Mr. Jeon. "Sir, he is the main culprit" He said.

"I don't know you please leave me" The boy said being scared as hell.

"You know me well Soohyung" The mafia said.

After hearing that deep scary voice he started tro shiver. "Who...who are you??" He asked

"The Jeon" Mr. Jung said with a smirk.

Hearing that name, the man started to shake in fear.

"Sir..sir , please..please leave me I..i won't do that again" The boy cried out.

"Leave you??" Mr. Jeon laughed.

"Sir, please let me explain" Soohyung said.

Mr. Jeon thought for sometimes. Then said "Okay you have only 5 sec"

"Sir they kidnapped my son and told that if I won't do that for them they will kill my son. Please sir, leave me" Soohyung said.

"Are you saying the truth?" Mr. Jeon asked. "Sir you can check it out" Soohyung said.

"Of course I will. Do you know the name of that man" Mr. Jeon asked.

"No sir, I don't know anything about them" Soohyung said.

"If you cooperate with us, I will leave you" Mr. Jeon offered.

"Sure I will. Sir, I have their number" Soohyung said.

"Good. And if you do something against me , I will not leave you this time" Mr. Jeon warned.

"I won't sir" Soohyung assured.

With that he left, after giving the number.

"Sir, how can you let him go?" Mr. Jung asked being confused by the mafia's behavior.

"Verify the truth what he just said. And I let him go because I don't want that little boy to survive without his father. Because I know the pain" Mr. Jeon said sadly.

"You have a really soft heart" Mr. Jung said and smiled at the mafia.

"Whatever, call Yoongi immediately" Mr. Jeon cleared his voice and said.

"Yes, sir" Mr. Jung said and left to call Yoongi

After sometimes,

A short yet handsome man came with Mr. Jung.

"Why did you call me??" The man said while entering in the office.

Jeon rose his eyebrows.

"Where are your manners Yoongi?  I am the boss here" Mr. Jeon glared.

"Like I care?? Whatever, why did you called me?" Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"Hyung you are so mean" Mr. Jeon said with a pout????

Yes... Maybe he was the biggest mafia but for his hyung he was just a baby.

"Don't pout. You look like a cow" Yoongi sassed.

"Yeahhh hyung" The mafia whined.

The sun was shining there looking at the duo. I mean Hoseok smiled looking at them.

"Hyungieee, you have to verify a number" The mafia said.

"You called me here for this??" Yoongi asked in disbelief.

"Umm Yes" Mr. Jeon said casually.

"What the fuck? You just can text me Or call me for that.." Yoongi said being irritated.

"You ignored my calls and massages all the time that's why I call you here" The mafia said cutely glaring at Yoongi

"Everyone avoids irritating people.. Don't you know that " Yoongi sasses again.

And left from there.

"Did he just call me irritating?" Mr. Jeon asked in disbelief after realizing what Yoongi said just before leaving.

"Yess" Mr. Jung said showing his sunshine smile.

"You ~" Mr. Jeon glared

Mr. Jung ran away from there.

End of no one's pov.

Author's pov ,

Min Yoongi was the right hand of Mr. Jeon. He had cold nature. He was known as savage boy. He was a hacker who work for Mr. Jeon. He was Mr. Jeon's favorite hyung. Lived with him.

End  of author's pov.


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