Chapter Twenty

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So starting from Tae's rejection to kook, everything was their plan. They trapped Min so smoothly. Min thought that Tae might be an innocent simple boy but Tae was opposite of that. Day by day Tae was trapping Min more and more.

Author's pov.

Recent time,

"For killing my mom" Tae said and punched Min. Blood started to come out from his nose.

"Who is your mother huhh?" Min asked.

"The women whom you killed 5 years ago, and i will take my revenge" Tae said darkly.

Min started to laugh maniacally.

"So what , You are my husband now" Min said with a smirk.

"Who told you that??" Tae smirked.

"We signed marriage registry paper" Min replied.

"Are you really dumb??? After hearing all this you are still thinking that he signed on a marriage registry paper??" Kook sarcastically said.

"Then...then...what did I signed on???" Min asked not so sure about the thing.

"Your property paper" Tae smirked.

"WHAT??? No it's not possible how do you do that???" Min asked.


[Chapter fourteen]

"Hi Min" Tae smiled.

"Hey Baby boy" Min smiled back.

"What are you doing?" Tae asked.

"Official work. You sit here okay. Let me finish my work" Min said. Tae sat down.

After a while,

"I am bored" Tae said being bored.

"I have so many works to do Tae. It's really important" Min said.

"Umm if you don't mind can I tour your mansion??" Tae asked.

Min nodded.

"Okie" Tae left for touring Min's mansion

[End of chapter fourteen]

You guys remember that part Right ?

Tae hurriedly went out of that room and started to find the room where Min kept all his important files as someone informed him about that, after a while he found the room. He hurriedly got in and started to find property papers.

And you are thinking that how can Tae got in because Min should obviously lock that room but Tae had duplicate key, how he get that? You will know later.

After a while he found the property paper's file. He opened his bag and took out some fake papers and exchanged them with the real papers. Then he locked that room and pretend to tour his house while Min came.

End of flashback.

"You fucking bitch how dare you to betray me? And where did you get the duplicate key??" Min asked.

"I gave him" Someone said while entering the basement.

"Soohyung??" Min asked being surprised.

"Yess me" Soohyung said.

You guys remember him right?? I mentioned about him in the first chapter.

"I gave him keys. And you told me to keep eyes on him but sorry Min I was with them all the time. I was not working for you, I was working for them. I gave all the information to them and today I said all the guards and maid that you told them to go to their home so they went away" Soohyung confessed.

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