Chapter Seventeen

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Author's pov,

So let me tell you one thing,
I mentioned in the chapter two that after knowing about Min, Mr. Jeon I mean Taehyung told his hyungs about this. Tae could easily kill Min, but he didn't want to take law in his hands, he didn't want to be a murderer cause his mother hated criminals. He wanted Min to confess his every wrong deeds . And the law would punished him . He decided to take the all property and money from Min so that Min would be helpless.
So they were making plans And I mentioned about someone but didn't tell his name.

[Chapter two]

After a while all came For dinner.

"Hyung We found the culprit" Mr. Jeon announced.

"Who?" A man asked gritting his teeth who was sitting just beside Mr. Jeon

"Minhyung" Hoseok announced.

"Now what?? We can't just kill him like that.." Namjoon said being knowing the fact that Minhyung was a powerful person.

"We have to make plans" Mr. Jeon said.

"Yess but what plan??" Namjoon asked being unaware.

Yoongi smirked.

[End of chapter two]

That unknown person was Jungkook . I think it is clear now to you guys.

End of Author pov,


Flash back,

"We have to make plans" Taehyung said.

"Yes but what plan??" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi smirked.

"I have inquired about him. He is a bloody criminal, a psychopath. He is addicted to gay boys specially bottom boys. He kills whenever he got angry. And he never leave any clues" Yoongi said whatever he knew about Min.

"Now what??" Jin asked.

"We have to provoke him" Yoongi said.

"How??" Jungkook asked.

"He is addicted to Boy's body so we have to bait someone to get him" Yoongi said.

"But who?" Namjoon asked.

"I can do that" Jungkook said.

"Look at you, Well built , muscular body he will never look at you. We need a boy with feminine figure" Yoongi replied.

"Yess Hyung is right but we can't believe in anyone. They can betray us right??" Jhope said.

"Now??" Namjoon raised his eyesbrows.

"I will be the bait" Tae said.

"No way, I can't risk you at all. He is a psycho he can do anything" Jungkook said not agreeing with his husband.

"If he is a psycho then I am the biggest mafia" Tae smirked.

"But bub, I am worried" Jungkook said holding his husband's hand.

"You are forgetting that I am THE JEON" Tae smirked again.

"Okay my Jeon. But be careful" Jungkook agreeing as he got that Tae won't listen.

"And kook you have to act as The Jeon" Yoongi said.

Yoongi told everything what they had to do.

Next day,

Tae brought an apartment with his name. And started to live there with his best friend Jimin ,so no one would be suspicious about them. Min's men were everywhere so they had to make the whole things real. Min came to Jin's cafe often so Jin intentionally started to look for new workers, and then Vmin started to work in Jin's cafe and they showed everyone that they were just workers there.

Sopekook also started to come to the cafe. And Taekook intentionally created scene to get attention from the customers and the workers. Tae didn't give attention to Kook it was their plan also.
And Tae blushed at Min's word, it was also their plan to trap Min with Tae's beauty.

[Chapter three]

They were talking, then kookminhope came there.

"What the fuck !!!" Kook cursed as soon as he saw Tae was talking with Minhyung.

"What happened?" Hoseok frowned his eyebrows.

"Look at them. Is Tae talking to that fucking bastard?? Did Tae know him?" Jungkook asked being jealous.

[End of chapter three]

Jungkook got jealous because his baby was laughing with other man. He asked Jimin about the man because he didn't know how Min looked like. He thought Tae was talking with random man. But Yoongi mouthed him that He was Min. But still he got jealous, why not?? Tae was his husband.

[Chapter four]

One day,

Kook came to the cafe, Tae was talking with Minhyung. Kook straight went there.

"I want to talk to you" Kook said.

Tae looked up "But I don't want to"

"Please" Kook pleaded sadly.

"Min, I am coming okay?" Tae said to Min politely.

Taekook left from there and went to the back of the cafe. Min followed them and hide behind the wall.

Kook held Tae's hand. "Tae I like you"

Tae took his hand back. "I am sorry but I like someone else"

Kook heart broke into pieces. "Who?"

"Minhyung" Tae replied. Hearing his name, Minhyung smirked and left from there and Kook's blood boiled to hear his names.

"Do you know ~ leave it" Kook angrily spat and left from there.

[End of chapter four]

That day, Kook intentionally took Tae with him because they knew that Min would follow them. So they acted along as per their plans.

Kook followed Min.

After a minute kook came back.

"He went away" Kook said. Tae smiled.

"What are you saying a minute ago??" Kook said holding Tae's waist.

Tae raised his eyebrows. "What?"

Kook pulled Tae towards him by his waist. Tae put his hand on kook's shoulder.

Kook leaned in. "You liked whom?" Kook whispered while biting on Tae's earlobe.

"I only love you Kookoo" Tae smiled at his husband

"I love you too bub" Kook replied and joined their lips together

End of flashback.


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