Chapter Seven

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Jimin went to Tae. Tae was crying

"What happened Tae?"

Tae told him everything. Jimin wiped his tears."Yes he is right anyway. Leave it, what do you think about Min?"

"I think I should accept his proposal" Tae said. "Are You sure?" Jimin asked. Tae nodded.

"Hmm then go a head" Jimin said. "What about you?? Don't you agree??" Tae asked.

"It's not about my opinion Tae, it's your life ,you can choose whatever you want, but I will always be with you . Don't worry okay" Jinin assured. Tae hugged Jimin.

"Thank you Jiminahh"

"Eat your thank you"

Tae laughed.

After that they worked until Min came.

Min came to Tae. "Did you think about what I asked yesterday" Min asked.

"I can't talk to you now. Can you please meet me after my working hour?" Tae politely asked not wanting to be rude.

Min raised his eyebrows but shrugged it off. "Okay but where?"

"Outside the cafe" Tae replied.

"Okay I will come" Min said and left.

After finishing his work Tae was about to go.

"Hey beautiful!!" Min cam there. Tae smiled.

"Let's go"



"It's night time, is the park open till now??" Tae asked being confused.

"All is under my control beautiful, I can go anywhere anytime" Min smirked.

"Okay" Tae nodded.

They went to a nearby park. They sat on a bench. Min hold Tae's hand.

"Tae, do you want to be my boyfriend??" Min asked. "Yess" Tae said shyly.


Tae nodded.

Min was about to kiss. Tae stood up.

"Let's go" Tae said. "Where?" Min asked.

"To celebrate" Tae said excitedly.

"Yess, you are right. Now you are my boyfriend, we should celebrate. But where?" Min asked.

End of No one's pov.

Min 's pov,

After a while, we were at in front of a bar.

"You want to celebrate like this?" I asked.

"Of course Min, let's go" Tae said being all excited.

We entered there. Then sat down . Tae ordered drink for us.

I had low tolerance in alcohol. But Tae was happy, so we drank together. Then he went to the dance floor, swinging his sexy body with music. My thing woke up.

After a while, I went to him. "Tae i want you" I demanded.

But surprisingly he agreed "Let's go at your place daddy".

After hearing his seducing voice I just can't control anymore. I was more than happy finally I would able to do what I desired for a long time.

I was about to kiss him. "Not here daddy. Please took me to your place" He said.

Then I called my driver, and then we went to my mansion.

After reaching there, I forbade everyone to come into my mansion . Then Tae came to me. "I want to drink more" He demanded.

I smirked and took him to the house bar where I kept many alcohol bottles.

We drank more and more.

Then Tae came close to me and seductively said "I want you daddy".

I kissed him. That kiss turned into a make out session.

"Let's go to your bedroom Daddy" He said. Then I took him to my bedroom. And we had sex. Finally I got what I want for a long time. After sometime I slept.

Next morning,

I woke up, there was sleeping a beautiful sexy boy beside me. I just obsessed with his body. I wanted him more. I remembered his moans. And my thing again woke up. I was about to touch him but he woke up.

"Good morning Min" He wished."I want you baby boy" I demanded again.

"I am already sore and I have to go to work" Tae said.

Did he just deny?? I couldn't stand someone denied to me . I got angry.

"I said I want you"

Tae eyes became teary. Seeing his teary eyes I panicked.

"I was kidding baby boy, I will drop you to the cafe let's go" I said smiling at him

"No it's okay, I can go by myself" He said.

"Are you sure? " I asked.

Tae nodded then he went to bathroom and after sometime he left.

I didn't go because my thing had woken up and I had to handle my problem. So after he left, I fucked that doll while remembering last night.

End of Min's pov.


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