Chapter Twenty one

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Author's pov,

Ohhh i forgot to tell you one thing, They planned a month ago but they started to work on it after a month . Why???

Because they had to make it real right?? So yeah Tae and Jimin started to live in a apartment for a month so that no one can doubt on them and after a month they started to do everything as their plan. Now it it clear right???

End of Author's pov.

They all were back together at their mansion. Tae got so much emotional because 5 years ago in that day his mother was killed.

Jin and Jimin hugged Tae.

"Don't cry Tae, you got your revenge it's time to be happy right?" Jin said patting the younger's back.

"Yess Tae, aunty will be sad if she sees you crying" Jimin said and wiped away Tae's tears.

Tae nodded.

"And we are always be with you ,no matter what will happen. We love you Tae" Yoongi assured while giving a warm smile.

The younger felt so blessed to have his hyungs. Kook smiled at him softly.

"Okay okay let's freshen up go go" Namjoon announced while patting Tae's back.

All went to their respective rooms to get freshen up.

After a while they all came in the dinning table and had their dinner while chitchatting.

After a while Jin , Tae and Jimin went to their rooms and Namjoon, Jungkook, Yoongi and Hobi sat down together to have some talk. After a while they also went to their respective rooms.

With Namjin,

Namjoon came to their room. And laid down beside Jin and hugged him.

"I am happy for Tae" Jin said.

"Yess, he has been suffering for a long time" Namjoon said being sad for Tae.

"Yess I am happy that he got a husband like kook" Jin said.

Namjoon nodded and kissed on Jin's forehead. "let's sleep love". Namjoon said hugging his love securely in his arms.

They went into their KoyaRj land.

With Yoonmin.

While yoongi came to the room, jimin was sadly sitting on bed.

"Don't be sad , that bastard got what he deserves" Yoongi said. Jimin nodded and hugged Yoongi. Yoongi was making circle on his back after sometimes jimin went into chimmy land. Then yoongi made him lay down and then went into shooky land while hugging his chimmy.

With Jhope,

He went into his room, laid down on the bed and called his girlfriend. "Baby, are you sleeping?" He asked. "Okay , sleep tight. I'll call you tomorrow, good night" He hung up the call. "I am happy for you Tae" He said and then went into his mangland.

With Taekook,

Kook went into the room and the room was dark. He switched on the light. There Tae was sitting on the bed and crying silently.

Kook ran towards him and hugged him tightly. After getting the warmth of his husband, Tae broke into tears.

Kook panicked. "What happened bub?"

Tae didn't answer just crying his heart out. "Don't you wanna tell your kookie??"

Tae nodded.

"Then tell me Why are you crying hmm??" Kook asked.

"I...I'm ..m...missing.. mamma" Tae said between hiccups.

"Cry as much as you want, I am with you okay bub" Kook said and started to make circle on Tae's back.

[It is important to cry for freeing your heart]

Kook was telling soothing words to Tae, after a while Tae calmed down. Tae broke the hug. "He made me a criminal kookie, mamma must be angry on me" Tae said with his sad voice because he never killed anyone before.

"No Tae, you did what he deserves" Kook assured.

Tae looked at him with puppy eyes.

"If we hadn't killed him, he would have killed many innocent people" Kook said.

"Really?" Tae asked. Kook smiled and nodded.

"I love you" Tae said out of nowhere.

Kook smiled "I love you so much bub, come" Kook embraced his husband in his strong arms.
After some time, they drafted into Tatacooky land.


Hey yoo guys,

So the story is almost end. There will be 2 or 3 more chapters.

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