Chapter Twelve

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Next day,

At Min's house,

Min was attending his guest . After awhile he saw Namjoon with a familiar figure.

"Welcome Mr. Kim. Ohh hey Jin how are you?" Min was surprised to see Jin here cause he didn't invite him.

"You guys know each other?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeahh Joonie.." Jin replied. Min looked at them confusingly. "You??"

"Ohhh he is my husband" Namjoon replied .

"What??" Min asked being surprised by the new information.

"Hmm, you only said me to bring him here" Namjoon saidm

"He is the other owner??"

Nj nodded.

"Omg!! Jin is the other owner? How came I don't know anything?" Min asked.

Jin smiled.

"But you are running a cafe right?" Min again asked.

"Yess cause I wanted to run a cafe so it's my side job" Jin replied. "Wow Jin I am impressed" Min said.

After some chit chatting,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to announce something. So I throw this party for collaborating with Kims. Cheers" Min announced getting his guests's attention.

After sometimes the party ended. All left for their individual homes.

Author's pov,

So let me tell you one thing, Min didn't love Tae, he was only addicted to his body. He always called Tae when he was needy. They had sex for two times. Whenever Tae denied to come he fucked that doll while thinking about Tae.

End of Author's pov.

Min got a call .

"Hello sir, I followed him everywhere but he didn't meet anyone. He just went to that cafe and then went back to his apartment. And I also get to know that he is orphan he have no one other than his best friend. He lived with him" The person said.

"Okay. Keep your eyes on him. If you get to know anything about him, just tell me immediately. I want to know every details of him" Min said.

"okay sir"

Then he hung up the call.

"Taehyung, I will make you mine soon. You will live here with me. I will fuck you whenever I want to. You will beg me to stop but I won't stop. I will mark on every parts of your body. You will be my slut Taehyung" Min said and started to laugh like a psycho.

With Jungkook,

Flash back 3 years ago,

Jungkook's pov,

"You misunderstood me with someone else" I said to him

"You stupid lier" The boy cursed.

Another boy came running to him and said. "Heyy, he is not the one"

"What????" The boy asked being so surprised.

The another boy Pulled the beautiful boy with him.

"He is the one" The another boy said while gesturing towards a boy who was sitting with his friends.

The beautiful boy went there and slapped him.

I went to them immediately .I Hugged that boy who got slapped.

"Thanks bro, I got my love for you" I said to him.

"Oh hello!! Who is your love??" The beautiful boy asked.

"You..." I said.

"What?? We have just met now" The beautiful boy replied.

"So what? Do you ever hear about love at first sight?" I flirted.

"Whatever. And I am sorry I slapped you" The beautiful boy apologized.

"I love you" I replied.

"If someone said thanks , you have to say back welcome or it's alright" The beautiful boy said while glaring.

"It depends on whom did say. For someone else it's alright and for you I love you" I flirted again.

"You~" The beautiful boy angrily said.

"You look more beautiful when you got angry" I said while smiling ear to ear.

"Stupid, ediot" He cursed at me.

"Don't curse your future husband, wifey" I said.

"Husband my foot, and Me and your wife??" My wifey rolled his eyes.

"See you are also agreeing with me" I said playfully.

My wifey stomped his foot and angrily left from there with his friend.


He angrily looked at me for the last time and left.

"See you soon wifey" I smirked.

End of Flashback.

End of Jungkook's pov.

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