Chapter Three

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No one's pov,

Jungkook daily came to the cafe with Jhope and Yoongi and flirt with Tae. But Tae didn't give a shit. Everyone in this cafe knew about this. In that time Jimin and Yoongi developed feelings for each other but they didn't confess yet.

One day,

A guy came to that cafe. Jin was passing by that time. "Hey Jin, how are you??" The guy said.

Jin looked at that man. His blood boiled but he didn't show it. "Oh hey long time no see Min" Jin faked smile .

End of no one's pov.

Author's pov,

Chan Minhyung, a 28 years old man,was a gay, pervert and psychopath

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Chan Minhyung, a 28 years old man,was a gay, pervert and psychopath. He was obsessed with boy's curvy famine body and their beautiful or pretty looks. He randomly murdered anyone when he get angry. But he didn't leave any clue, so police didn't find any evidence so they can't arrest him. And if they find any, then he gave them money for disposing the evidence.


One day, A lady was returning from her office at night. That night her driver didn't came so she was driving, suddenly two cars stopped in front of her car. She stopped her car. Two men came from the cars and forced her to come out from her car. Then a man came out, and he was Minhyung.

"Ohh pretty lady. Do you remember me?" Min sarcastically asked m

"You ?" The lady glared

"Yes, Me" Min smirked

"Leave me" She shouted.

"What you saw, you shouldn't have seen it" Min said with his dark gaze.

"You are a criminal" The lady spat while trying very hard to free herself from the grip.

"Did you file a complain about me in police station ?" He asked.

"Yes I did. You don't have any right to kill some~" Her words got cut off.

Boom boom.

Min smirked.

"Isn't she talking so much?? Fucking bitch. You dare to complain to police about me? Chan Minhyung never leave any evidence" Min said laughing like a psycho to the dead body which was laying on the floor and a river of blood flowing down from her body.

Min's men kidnapped her driver's son and threatened him not to go that day with her.

Next day early in the morning,

A 18 years old boy came there running.

"Mamma, mamma. See your baby has came to you. Please open your eyes, please mamma. I have no one other than you. Please open your eyes" The boy was crying his heart out not there was no one to wipe his tears away.

Yess, the 18 years old boy was The Jeon. He promised himself to take revenge for his mamma. He built his own underground world . He became the biggest mafia but he never did any crime ,he helped police. he always helped poor people but no one saw him. Every criminal afraid of The Jeon but he was a Messiah to poor and honest people. He wanted Minhyung to confess all his deeds. In this time he met with his hyungs and lived with them.

End of flashback.

End of Author's pov.

No one's pov,

"Yess, I was busy with something" Min replied.Jin fake smiled.

"Ohh, order something and enjoy. I have to go now" Jin bowed and left. Min took a seat.

Tae came there.

"Excuse me sir, please let me know your order" Tae said politely. Min's jaw dropped by looking at the ethereal beauty infront of him.

"Beautiful" Min complimented. Tae blushed at the compliment.

"Sir, orders" Tae smiled. "What do you like to drink?" Min asked. Tae got confused but still answered "Strawberry milk".

"Then I would like to have a strawberry milk" Min smirked.

"Okay" Tae said shyly and left.

Min was looking at the back of Tae.

"What a curvy figure, what a thick ass and what a beauty, I want him under me" Min thought.

After a while Tae came with orders.

"Sir your orders"

"Can you sit here a while? I want to talk with you" Min said.

"Sorry sir i can't, it's my working hour" Tae apologized.

"It's okay beautiful I will talk to your boss" Min said.

Tae shyly smiled and sat down .

They were talking, then kookminhope came there.

"What the fuck !!!" Kook cursed as soon as he saw Tae was talking with Minhyung.

"What happened?" Hoseok frowned his eyebrows.

"Look at them. Is Tae talking to that fucking bastard?? Did Tae know him?" Jungkook asked being jealous.

"No I think they are fighting" Yoongi rolled his eyes and sat down lazily.

"Shut up hyung. I am serious" Jungkook said.

"Whatever we were finding him right? Look he is here now. We have to keep an eye on him" Yoongi said.

Jimin came there. "On whom??"

"On you" Yoongi smirked.

Jimin blushed at the sudden statement.

" Umm order please" Jimin shyly said.

"You know our orders right?" Jungkook said being pissed off.

"Don't you get bored of cold coffee and cheese cake?" Jimin asked being disbelief.

"Do I get bored of you??" Yoongi questioned back. Jimin blushed.

"Who is that guy?" Jungkook asked pretending that he didn't know Min.

"Who?" Jimin asked. "With your friend" Jungkook replied.

"Are you jealous umm hmm?" Jimin teased and stated laughing but stopped when he noticed the death glare on him.

"Okay okay don't give me that look. I even don't know him. He came today and maybe Tae likes him" Jimin again teased.

Kook gave a death glare.

"No I mean you tried many times to talk to him but he doesn't give a fu~" stopped when kook gave death glare again " No I mean he doesn't talk to you but look at him now, that handsome" Now yoongi's death glare "no I mean that ugly man came and he talked even smiled with him, see see" Jimin said.

They all looked at Tae and Min. Jimin sneaked away from there.


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