Chapter Fifteen

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Tae went with Jimin in their apartment.
And Min went to his secret place where he brought people and tortured them untill they died. That day he had someone to kill.

Time skip at night ,

With Vmin,

"Are you sure about everything??" Jimin asked to his best friend.

Tae nodded.

"I am always with you okay" Jimin assured.

Tears rolled down from Tae's cheeks. "Finally I got what I wanted to" He said.

"Don't cry Tae. Come" Jimin said and hugged Tae , they slept after that.

With Min,

Min was laying down in his bed. "Now you are mine. There will be no one who can stop me. I will do whatever I want. I will fuck you everyday." Min said with his evil smirk.

Next day,

"I don't want to stay away from you Tae, I will bring you tomorrow here. I have to clean every mess, and every clue about murders. You'll never get to know about my truth" Min thought.

"Guards!!" He called while entering the living room.

Two guards came there and bowed "yes sir".

"I want everything clear within today. I don't want Tae to know about my truth" He said.

"Okay sir" The bowed again and left and said to maids to clean everything.

With Vmin,

Vmin was on their way to Cafe. Suddenly a car stopped in front of them and two well built men got out from the car and forcefully kidnapped Tae while pushing Jimin on the Ground. Jimin tried to save Tae but they had already taken Tae with them. Jimin immediately called the Police.

After a while,

The two men brought Tae to a basement. They tied his eyes and mouth with handkerchief.

Tae was screaming but his voice didn't came out properly cause of the handkerchief.

They made him sat on a chair. Someone was sitting opposite of Tae.

Tae was screaming.

The man, who was sitting in front of Tae, gestured the two men to open up the handkerchieves.

Tae opened his eyes but he could't see anything because the basement was dark. He panicked.

"Sir, please leave me Sir, I don't know anything " Tae panicked.

"leave you??" The man laughed like an evil.

Tae heard a familiar voice but..

"I don't even know you" Tae said being scared.

"But I know you baby boy" The man said and one of his men switched on the light.

"Jungkook???" Tae asked surprisingly.

After sometimes,

With Min,

He was working on his laptop but he got a call.

"Sir!! Sir!!" The spy called.

Min hummed still working on the laptop.

"Someone kidnapped Taehyung" The spy said. Min stood up as soon as he heard. "WHAT?" He gritted his teeth.

Author's pov,

So let me tell you one thing. Min was not angry because he loved Tae, he was angry because he thought that Tae was his property. And you know how the psychopaths are. He was just obsessed with Tae so he couldn't stand that someone kidnapped Tae so he got angry.

End of Author's pov.

That time he got a call to his landline number. He picked up. "Hello"

"You want to see Taehyung alive?" A person said.


"Don't raise your voice or else I will kill Taehyung" The man said with his deep voice.

"NO NO DON'T " Min panicked.

"Good . Now came to xyz place. And don't try to be smart" The man warned.

The person hung up the call.

Min hurriedly went down stairs to call his men but when he went their he saw there was no one. He didn't know what to do. He called police.

But no one picked up the call. He became frustrated. He drove away to the place where the kidnapper told him .

He got a call.

"I told you don't try to act smart" The person or we better say Jungkook said.

Min reached to the place.

"You tried to call police now you will see the consequence" Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"No No" Min said and ran into the basement of a old house.

Jungkook hung up the call.

Min heard a gunshot. He hurriedly ran there.

When he reached to the basement..

"TAEE ~"


Hey yoo guys,

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